Can A French Grocery Store Teach You To Be A Better Product Manager?

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!The Grocery Problem So what’s the most exciting thing that you did last week? I have no idea what your answer might be, but I’m willing to bet good money that going to the grocery store was not high on … Read more

Free Product Manager Internet Resource Links

If you’ve already subscribed to The Accidental Product Manger Newsletter (Click Here to subscribe), then you know about the “5 Links That You Should Know” section. Forget my clever writing, folks tell me that this is the part of the newsletter that they like the best. Ok, I’ll get over my indignation at being outclassed … Read more

Forget Dating Customers, 5 Ways Product Managers Can Get Real Relationships

Why are you doing things the hard way? How do you measure success for your product? For most product managers this comes down to one number: the number of customers that their product has. However, in today’s tough economy, this type of thinking might just be a bit shortsighted. Instead of thinking of all of … Read more

5 Secrets To Product Manger Success At Your Next Trade Show

Image Credit Think back over all of that university training that you (or your parents) paid for. Just for a good measure, throw in all of that training that you’ve sat through since you started working. Wow – that’s a lot of learning. One quick question for you: in all of that classroom / online … Read more

Trade Show Survival Tactics For Product Managers

I can only speak for myself, but I actually enjoy going to industry trade shows. It’s time out of the office, I get to hang out with other people who work in my industry who can feel my pain (whatever it happens to be this year), and I get to see a bunch of friends … Read more

What Does A Product Manager Need To Do At Your Next Industry Show?

As the global economy snaps back, product managers are going to start traveling once again. Where will we be going? One place that we should plan on spending some time will be at industry trade shows (pause for collective groan). No, these are not the most enjoyable things to go to just to hand out … Read more

I’d Like To Buy Some Time With That Product…

Selling Time With Your Product As product managers we are always looking for ways to give our products a unique selling proposition. We add unique features, we drop the price, we try bundling the product with other products, etc. However, maybe we’ve been overlooking the single most important way that we can get our potential … Read more

How To Tell Your Customer To Stop Using Your Product

AT&T’s iPhone Problem Who among us product managers has not heard about Apple’s iPhone product and its incredible retail success? Currently in the U.S. there is only one wireless service provider on who’s network these highly desirable phones work: AT&T’s. You’d think that that was a good thing from an AT&T product manager’s point of … Read more

Product Manager: Is It Time To Create A Catalog For Your Product?

Why Create A Catalog? So here’s a novel thought for you to consider Product Manager: why not create a catalog for your product? Based on a recommendation from a friend, I’ve been reading the book “Catalog Design: Creating Desire” and it has given me a whole new appreciation for catalogs. I used to just get … Read more

AccPM Life Just Got Better For iPhone/Andriod/BB Users

Loyal Readers, It has been brought to my attention that the AccPM blog’s appearance on touch-based smart phones was, shall we say, poor at best. I think that I may have found a way to solve this problem. I’ve installed some new software that should change the AccPM into an iPhone application “looking” site, complete … Read more