Food Giant Product Managers Place Small Bets

General Mills product managers are looking for new product ideas at startups

There are exciting product manager jobs and then there are the product manager jobs at the really big food companies. Yes, yes – the good news is that you’ll probably be a relatively successful product manager no matter what you do simply because the big food companies provide us with the products that we all … Read more

Product Managers Try To Find Stores To Fill Malls

Malls need stores, but what kind of stores?

When was the last time that you went out to a mall? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. We used to always go to the mall – that’s where you could get stuff, especially during the holidays. However, with the arrival of online shopping most of us don’t go to malls as … Read more

Why Can’t Amazon Sell Luxury Products?

Amazon can't break into the fashion industry because they don't have high end products

As we all know, Amazon sells a lot of different things. However, there is one area where they are distinctly lacking in products to sell: luxury goods. It’s not as though the Amazon product managers have not held discussions with the Swatch, Gucci, LVMH Louis Vuitton, and other luxury vendors. However, so far they have … Read more

What Can India’s Paytm Mobile Payment System Teach Product Managers?

Paytm is trying to take the place of cash in India

I live in the U.S. When I want to buy something, I have roughly four different options for how I can pay for it: cash, a check, credit cards, or PayPal. In India, they have traditionally only had one option: cash. In the past few years, the global credit card companies have started to arrive … Read more

Partnerships That Don’t Work Out For Product Managers

As a product manager, you want to be able to get your product out in front of as many potential customers as possible. However, this is something that sometimes your company can’t accomplish all by themselves. When you realize this, you often start to look for a partner – somebody who can help change your … Read more

Is It Time For Amazon’s Product Managers To Go Back To College?

Let’s face it, Amazon is a very big company that has done a lot of things correctly. We all know that we can visit their web site, pick out something that we want and almost magically it’s going to show up at our door in just a few days. All of this success has put … Read more

What Would You Do If Walmart Turned Off Your Gas?

I seem to recall that there is a type of fish that attaches itself to sharks, I think that it’s called a remora. This fish then gets access to all of the leftovers when the shark feeds. Not a bad relationship, eh? In the U.S. gas station business, there is a company called Murphy USA … Read more

Product Managers Get Into To Business Of Christmas Lasers

The Christmas season has always been the time that home owners take the time to decorate the outside of their homes to celebrate the season. What this generally involved was going into either the attic or the basement in order to drag out box after box that contain outside lights and decorations. Once this had … Read more

Lessons For Product Managers From HBO

We all know who HBO is, right? They are the premium cable television channel that even if you subscribe to cable, if you want HBO you have to pay an additional fee to get. Back in the day, HBO was the place where you could watch recent movies before they showed up in your local … Read more

Taylor Swift vs. Spotify: A Product Manager Problem

Guess what: we don’t buy music any more. Nope, gone are the days that we’d go out to the store and pay US$15 for the latest album from our favorite artist. iTunes and downloadable music pretty much killed this market. However, it turns out that something brand new has shown up that is killing iTunes … Read more