Product Managers Start To Deal With The Virtual Assistant Problem

Voice controlled devices can't do a lot of things

So when you walk into the space that you live in, what’s the first thing that you do? For many of us, the first thing that we do is to shout out “Hey, Alexa turn on my music” or “Hey Google, turn on the lights in the kitchen.” These virtual assistants who are always there … Read more

What Can India’s Paytm Mobile Payment System Teach Product Managers?

Paytm is trying to take the place of cash in India

I live in the U.S. When I want to buy something, I have roughly four different options for how I can pay for it: cash, a check, credit cards, or PayPal. In India, they have traditionally only had one option: cash. In the past few years, the global credit card companies have started to arrive … Read more

When Is A Product Launch Not A Product Launch?

For a product manager there can be no bigger day than the day that your product gets launched. You’ve been working on creating the best product possible based on your product development definition for who knows how long and finally the time has come to show the world what you have created. You wake up … Read more

Why Do The Walmart Product Managers Need Their Own Payment System?

Hopefully everyone already knows that Walmart is a huge company. Just about every city in America of any significant size has a Walmart located in it. The Walmart product managers have a lot of different challenges that they have to worry about, but one that you may not have been aware of is the need … Read more

How Product Managers Can Manage A Shift

Many product managers are placed in charge of multiple products. Often, among these products certain products will start to perform better than others. When this happens, it’s very natural for our focus to become fixated on the products and the product development definitions that are doing well and we start to ignore the other products … Read more