Are Watch Product Managers Almost Out Of Time?

Change is happening and watch product managers need to learn to deal with itq

So here’s an interesting question to kick things off: do you wear a watch? Not all that long ago, the answer to this question would have been pretty much “yes” for everyone. I mean, how else were you going to be able to tell what time it was? However, as with all such things in … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Get Dashboard Screens Correct

If you’ve had a chance to jump into a new car lately, undoubtedly your attention has been drawn to the dashboard screen that just about every car has nowadays. Car manufactures are changing their product development definition and moving more and more of the car’s control and monitoring systems over to these centralized dashboards in … Read more

When Is A Product Launch Not A Product Launch?

For a product manager there can be no bigger day than the day that your product gets launched. You’ve been working on creating the best product possible based on your product development definition for who knows how long and finally the time has come to show the world what you have created. You wake up … Read more

How Product Managers Can Manage A Shift

Many product managers are placed in charge of multiple products. Often, among these products certain products will start to perform better than others. When this happens, it’s very natural for our focus to become fixated on the products and the product development definitions that are doing well and we start to ignore the other products … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: What Happened To The Microsoft Kin Phones?

Gone in 48 days. Ouch – that’s got to be some sort of record. As product managers we try to do all of the right things when we’re handed the responsibility of birthing a new product: determine what our customer’s needs are, understand the competition, calculate costs and price points, and create clever tag lines … Read more