Product Managers Know That If At First You Don’t Succeed…

Ok, so this article is fairly personal. I’ve been trying to get the attention of a very large customer for the better part of a year now and I’ve been met with failure at just about every turn. I’ve tried very, very hard and at times it has seemed like success was just within my … Read more

Product Managers: The Fight’s Not Over Until It’s Over

As product managers, our job is to do everything in our power to make sure that our product is a success. It would be a wonderful world if only our potential customers would come to us and ask us to please sell them our product. However, it rarely happens that way. Instead, more often than … Read more

How To Make Your Product Stand Out In An RFP Response

Please buy my product. No, I really mean it – go out now and buy my product! Sadly, this technique of simply asking your customers to buy your product generally doesn’t work for most product managers. Instead, we have to be waiting in the wings until our customers decide that they need a product like … Read more

How Product Managers Can Help Their Sales Teams Be More Successful

Product managers are NOT sales professionals. We pride ourselves on being marketing professionals and we don’t think of ourselves as being a part of our company’s sales team no matter how closely we may work with them. However, we do play a key role in the success of our sales teams and this is because … Read more

Product Managers & RFPs: It’s A Love / Hate Thing

One of the unique things about being a product manager is that we wear many hats during a given day. The sales hat is one that we can find ourselves wearing a lot if our product is new, technical, or just basically foreign to our sales teams. As we find ourselves in unfamiliar sales territory, … Read more