Product Management Basics: The 5 Steps Of Buying

As product managers it can be all too easy to get caught up in the fancy and complicated parts of our job. You know, things like product release maps, feature planning, metrics, crafting a complete product development definition, etc. However, sometimes it is worth it to take a step back and make sure that we … Read more

Product Managers: The Fight’s Not Over Until It’s Over

As product managers, our job is to do everything in our power to make sure that our product is a success. It would be a wonderful world if only our potential customers would come to us and ask us to please sell them our product. However, it rarely happens that way. Instead, more often than … Read more

Product Manager Alert: Dealing With Hard Core Opposition Within Your Company

We’ve talked about why Product Mangers find it hard to get any respect. Now it’s time to talk about the why’s and how’s of what to do when you run into another department (or person) who acts like a brick wall. Thanks to millions of years of evolution, we are all pretty good at recognizing … Read more