Product Manager Need To Understand The Power Of A Candy Bar

Can we talk about trade shows for just a moment? During my product manager career, I have been to a countless number of these things. I must confess, I love them! The travel, the pageantry, the people that I meet all appeal to me. However, when it comes down to just exactly how successful they … Read more

The Secret To Creating A Customer-Facing Product Roadmap

I like having customers. You like having customers. In fact, once we get a customer we sure would like to hang on to them. The problem is that our customers always want our products to do more, more, more for them. What this means is that we always need to be adding new features and … Read more

9 Ways To Deal With The Competition

Product managers want their products to be successful. One big challenge that we all face is that the world is filled with competitors – companies that offer a product that solves the same customer problem that our product development definition solves. In order for our product to be successful, we’re going to have to find … Read more

5 Ways For A Product Manager To Deal With New Competition

Just when everything is going your way as a product manager, that’s exactly when something always seems to go wrong. One of the most common things that can happen is a new competitor shows up. Customers that you thought were a “sure thing”, now want to take a little bit more time to check out … Read more

Product Managers And The Problem With Discounting

Every product manager out there would like more people to buy their product. Hmm, now just exactly how to go about making that happen? Sure, we need to provide our potential customers with the products that they want, but once we’ve done that, what else can we do to convince them to buy? It turns … Read more

To Beat The Competition, Product Managers Have To Do Some Homework

Based on the product development definition that you used to create your product, your product is the best available product to solve the problem that your customers are facing. This means that your customers should all be buying from you and your competition should just dry up and blow away, right? For some odd reason, … Read more

Airport Kiosks Contain Tips For Product Managers

Can you remember when flying was fun? I almost sorta can – I think that it was back when I was 10 years old and flying was something that was a special treat – I didn’t get to do it very often because it was very expensive. My how things have changed! Now I fly … Read more