Instagram Product Managers Attempt To Do The Impossible

Welcome to the crazy world of social media. You know, the market segment where one day there’s nothing and then the next day there’s a brand new company that is worth billions. The story of Instagram is just like this. This photo sharing social media hub came out of nowhere and ended up being bought … Read more

Product Managers Who Spy On The Competition

What do your customers think about your product? Do they like it better than your competition’s product? Did you do a good job when you created your product development definition? Would it be helpful to you to know more about your competition’s product? I’m willing to bet that the answer to this question is “yes”. … Read more

4 Things Product Managers Need To Know About Buying Another Company

As the global economy comes roaring back, more and more companies are discovering that their balance sheets are now loaded with cash. Their investors don’t really want them to be building up stockpiles of money, instead they want the company to be growing. The quickest way for your company to do this may be to … Read more

Airport Kiosks Contain Tips For Product Managers

Can you remember when flying was fun? I almost sorta can – I think that it was back when I was 10 years old and flying was something that was a special treat – I didn’t get to do it very often because it was very expensive. My how things have changed! Now I fly … Read more

Diversifying To Survive Is What Product Managers Are Doing

It seems almost like an impossible challenge: find ways to constantly make your product(s) both more popular (more sales) and more profitable (better prices). When confronted with this challenge, it’s all too easy for product managers to shrug, throw up their hands, and then focus instead on rolling out the next product or version of … Read more

Product Mangers Need A Dictionary In Order To Make Money

One of my favorite lines from Steve Martin’s stand-up act goes like this “What’s up with those French? It seems like they have a different word for everything…” Perhaps many of us Product Managers have some French blood in us because it sure seems like we often get accused of willy-nilly making up new acronyms … Read more