What The Product Managers At Box Are Going To Have To Do To Survive

How great would it be to be a product manager who was in charge of a product that was showing up in the newspapers every day? Box, a company that offers online storage, is preparing to have an Initial Public Offering (IPO) where they will sell stock in the company for the first time. It … Read more

9 Ways To Deal With The Competition

Product managers want their products to be successful. One big challenge that we all face is that the world is filled with competitors – companies that offer a product that solves the same customer problem that our product development definition solves. In order for our product to be successful, we’re going to have to find … Read more

5 Ways For A Product Manager To Deal With New Competition

Just when everything is going your way as a product manager, that’s exactly when something always seems to go wrong. One of the most common things that can happen is a new competitor shows up. Customers that you thought were a “sure thing”, now want to take a little bit more time to check out … Read more

How Product Managers Are Solving The Missing Football Fan Problem

The most popular and profitable sport in the world is U.S. NFL Football (sorry European football fans). However, just because you own a franchise in the most popular sport does not mean that you are generating as much money as you might hope to. There’s always a possibility that not enough people are showing up … Read more

Sensual Product Management: Umm, What Do We Need To Know?

So there is no delicate way to talk about this topic, but I’m going to bring it up anyway. As product managers, we’re often not above using sex appeal to motive potential customers to buy our product. However, what happens if the product that we’re trying to sell is sex itself? Welcome To The World … Read more

Product Managers Who Spy On The Competition

What do your customers think about your product? Do they like it better than your competition’s product? Did you do a good job when you created your product development definition? Would it be helpful to you to know more about your competition’s product? I’m willing to bet that the answer to this question is “yes”. … Read more

How Product Managers Should Go About Doing Business Research

In order for your product to be successful, you are going to have to have to have a good understanding of your market. I wish that I could tell you that there was some sort of pill or potion that you could take that would magically provide you with the information that you need. Sorry, … Read more

When Competitors Merge: What 3 Things Should A Product Manager Do?

Sometimes as product managers we wish that our lives could become better if only one of our competitors would just go away. It’s events that like this that would make developing your product development definition just a bit easier. Somewhat amazingly this does happen. However, all too often, the reason that they went away was … Read more

To Beat The Competition, Product Managers Have To Do Some Homework

Based on the product development definition that you used to create your product, your product is the best available product to solve the problem that your customers are facing. This means that your customers should all be buying from you and your competition should just dry up and blow away, right? For some odd reason, … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Being #2

If you’re a product manager, then you always want to be a winner, right? It’s almost an integral part of our product development definition — you want your product to storm into the marketplace and kick some butt and become #1 overnight. You want to climb to the top of your marketplace and you want … Read more