Free Information On How You Can Be A Better Product Manager

How much would you pay to become a better product manager in a single day? Can you imagine the impact that that kind of new knowledge could have on your career? The challenge has always been that none of us seem to ever have the time that we need in order to become better product … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In Washington DC: ProductCamp DC

I was quietly minding my own business the other day when Alicia Dixon reached out to me via email and asked me if I’d be willing to help her to get the word out about some upcoming free Product Management training that’s going to be held in Washington, D.C. I’m always a sucker for free … Read more

1,000 Product Management Links You Need To Know

Ok, so first off that’s a complete lie — we’re not really talking about 1,000 links. Although, in my own defense I think that the list will eventually get to contain 1,000 links eventually. A title of “Almost 1,000 links” just didn’t seem to have enough zing… At any rate, I do have a ton … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers In Chicago: ProductCamp Chicago

David Radzialowski, one of the organizers of ProductCamp Chicago reached out to me the other day and said “Hey, if you think that you’re such hot stuff, why don’t you come and speak at the ProductCamp that we’re putting in in Chicago?” I’m always a sucker for taking on a challenge and so I said … Read more

Free Product Manager Internet Resource Links

If you’ve already subscribed to The Accidental Product Manger Newsletter (Click Here to subscribe), then you know about the “5 Links That You Should Know” section. Forget my clever writing, folks tell me that this is the part of the newsletter that they like the best. Ok, I’ll get over my indignation at being outclassed … Read more

AccPM Life Just Got Better For iPhone/Andriod/BB Users

Loyal Readers, It has been brought to my attention that the AccPM blog’s appearance on touch-based smart phones was, shall we say, poor at best. I think that I may have found a way to solve this problem. I’ve installed some new software that should change the AccPM into an iPhone application “looking” site, complete … Read more

Free Report — Boost Your Product Manager Career

So what am I going to have to do in order to get you to subscribe to The Accidental Product Manager newsletter? Is the issue cost? Well it’s free. Is the issue spam? You’ll only get one email from me a week and it will be stuffed with Product Manager information — who wouldn’t want … Read more