Next Edition Of Newsletter Almost Ready!

Just a quick head’s up for those of you who are looking to become better product managers – the September edition of The Accidental Product Manager is almost ready to ship! This time around we’ll be dealing with a product manager’s two biggest problems: dealing with sales and product pricing. You’re not going to want … Read more

Newsletter – Newsletter – Newsletter

Dear Reader, The August edition of The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter will be coming out on Tuesday. Have you signed up to get your free copy? Free subscriptions to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter are now available. It’s your product -  it’s your career. Subscribe now: Click Here! Don’t delay – sign up now! – … Read more

Free Training For Product Managers: ProductCamp Austin

If you are a long-time reader of this blog, you know that I had a chance to attend the free product manager training that was held in downtown New York City. Hopefully, you thought that this was a good idea; however, if missed it or weren’t able to attend, then I’ve got great news for … Read more

Free Product Manager Training: Notes From ProductCamp NYC

I had a chance to attend the very first ProductCamp NYC (held in downtown New York City, of course) on Saturday, July 18, and I had a blast! What is a ProductCamp? ProductCamp is basically an ad-hoc gathering of product managers for a full day of self-directed training. What makes it unique is that there … Read more

Reminder: Free Training For Product Managers In NYC – ProductCamp NYC

We’ve talked about this before, but since it’s almost here I though it might be a good idea to remind everyone: the free ProductCamp NYC meeting is going to be held (where else?) in NYC this Saturday. I’ve been able to move both heaven and earth and I’m going to be there – drop by … Read more

Subscribe Now – The July Newsletter Is Almost Ready!

Just a quick reminder for any readers who might not have subscribed to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter – sign up now! The July edition is coming out early next week and here’s what it’s going to contain: Can We Talk About SPAM? Accurate Forecasts – The Secret To Your Success Product Life-cycle Stages: Backup … Read more

Guest Post At The “On Product Management” Blog

The guys over at the On Product Management blog have been kind enough to post a guest post that I wrote for them. Follow this link if you are interested in finding out 5 Things That PMs Should Do To Get Their Products Noticed. Oh, and check out their blog because they do a nice … Read more

Newsletter Sign Up Overload!

It turns out that the new The Accidental Product Manger Newsletter has turned out to be just a bit more popular than even I could have hoped for! A few folks have reached out to me to let me know that they had trouble signing up to receive the free newsletter – the newsletter server … Read more

A Quick Note Of Thanks To The Folks At

As those of you with sharp eyes may have noticed, this blog is now sporting a shiny new badge over there on the right-hand side from the good folks at They have added us to their listings of blogs and so I wanted to thank them for doing so and, of course, let you … Read more

We’ve Moved (But You Shouldn’t Care)

Over the weekend I moved “IT Product Management” blog from it’s comfortable home at Google’s Blogger to a brand new home at a self-hosted WordPress site called, Those of you with sharp eyes may have also notices another small change – I changed the name of the blog to “The Accidental Product Manger“. It’s … Read more