How Product Managers Should Go About Doing Business Research

In order for your product to be successful, you are going to have to have to have a good understanding of your market. I wish that I could tell you that there was some sort of pill or potion that you could take that would magically provide you with the information that you need. Sorry, … Read more

What Should A Product Manager Do When The Wrong Customer Buys Your Product?

As product managers we spend a lot of time trying to segment our market as a part of our product development definition. Once we get that taken care of, we then create marketing programs and product messages so that we can reach our target market and convince them to buy our product. However, sometimes things … Read more

What Sequestration Means To Product Managers

Sequestration is a big word that most of us are not familiar with. However, as product managers we should know it very well. What it refers to is when one of your customers decides to make across-the-board budget cuts. Sure they might be a great customer now, but when each one of their budgets gets … Read more

Don’t Even Think About Keeping Your Product Details Secret

You’ve got a great product. In fact, it might even be a revolutionary product. Well, there are at least some features of your product and its product development definition that you are very proud of – nobody else has them. You would sure like to tell your customers about how great your product is, but … Read more

Product Managers Can Raise Their Product’s Price – They Just Have To Be Smart About It

Psst – hey product manager, would you like to make some more money with your product? Guess what – you can! All you have to do is to raise your product’s price. Uh oh, does this scare you just a bit? Are you concerned about making your existing and potential customers angry with you? I’ve … Read more

Product Manager Meet Your New BFF: The Analyst

Product managers spend a great deal of time looking inside of their company in order to determine what their product development definition is telling them needs to be done next in order to both create and market their product. What we can forget is that the real world in which our product will be competing … Read more

Product Managers Mentors: Where To Find Them, What To Do With Them?

Being a product manager is a hard job – creating a product development definition is not a simple thing to do. In order to do it well, we all need a little bit of guidance in order to figure out what we both should and should not be doing, There are many different ways to … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Know About The Art Of PR

When you are the product manager who is responsible for a product, then you wear many different hats. One of these hats has to do with public relations (PR) for your product. Just exactly how is product manager supposed to get the word out about how great your product is? The World Of PR Has … Read more

Why WIIFM Is The Question That Every Product Manager Must Answer

What does it take to get a prospective customer to turn into an actual customer who buys your product? When I’ve asked this question to many product managers I always seem to get the same answer: the sales funnel shows how long it takes to move a customer from prospect to customer. Everyone seems to … Read more

Product Managers Need To Know How To Find Customers In A Dark Room

Just exactly how much do you know about your customers? Sure, we all do some segmentation and stuff like that as a part of our product development definition, but do you really know where your customers are in terms of thinking about buying your product? Are they at the beginning? Are they almost ready to … Read more