Product Managers Deal With A Sandwich That Is Too Popular

The Popeyes chicken sandwich is going to return

The dream of every product manager is to be responsible for a product that is so popular that it flies off of the shelves. We dream of the day that we have to spend our time worrying about how we are going to keep our product in stock because it is selling out so fast. … Read more

What To Do About Baby: Product Managers Rethink Baby Products

Johnson & Johnson has fallen behind, can they catch up?

Anyone who has a baby can tell you that they spend a lot of time giving their baby baths. When they do this, they require special products – things like baby shampoo. Surprise, surprise, it turns out that the market for baby products is huge. One of the biggest players in this market is a … Read more

Can Product Managers Use Social Media To Market Forbidden Products?

Can product managers successfully promote e-cigarettes using social media?

When you think about all of the products that product managers are responsible for, there are a number of them that come to mind as being “difficult” products to successfully manage. For one reason or another, these products are difficult to talk about and therefore are difficult to market. In this category go condoms, guns, … Read more

Crate and Barrel Product Managers Learn To Be Social

Product managers learn to embrace the digital age

Crate and Barrel sells a lot of furniture. They are now faced with the age old question of how best to get their furniture noticed by their potential customers. In the past, the firm relied on what had always worked for them: still photographs. However, lately that has all changed. The company now has over … Read more

Why Are Product Managers Moving Away From Focus Groups?

Focus groups are the way that product managers used to find out how customers felt about their product

When a product manager is put in charge of a product, one of the first questions that they would like to be able to answer is just exactly what do potential customers think about the product? There are number of different ways to go about answering this question and testing our product development definition, but … Read more

How Can Product Managers Help Lego Get Over The Brick Wall That They Are Facing?

Digital play has started to cause problems for Lego product managers

So what do small children want to play with? In the past the answer to this question was fairly easy: dolls, trucks, and of course Lego bricks. In fact, the Legos Company has seen its sales rise for the past 13 years. That would have looked good on anyone’s product manager resume. However, recently something … Read more

How Can Product Managers Help Tiffany Once Again Become “Cool”?

What makes a jewelry store cool? The 183 year-old Tiffany’s jewelry store has been cool for a very long time. They’ve been associated with very, very cool people like the actress Audrey Hepburn and that has made them very successful. However, as of late they seem to have lost their cool factor. What can the … Read more