What Is Chick-fill-A’s Product Managers Secret To Success?

Chick-Fill-A product managers are riding the wave of breaded chicken demand

When lunch or dinner rolls around and you are hungry, what do you want to eat? If you are like most of us, you start looking for a fast food restaurant where you can go get a good meal and get in and get out. A number of possibilities come to mind: McDonalds, Burger King, … Read more

Starbucks Product Managers Try To Deliver Success

Starbucks needs to find a way to become popular once again

Starbucks needs to find a way to become popular once again Image Credit: Photo by Takahiro Sakamoto on Unspl Let’s face it: that Starbucks coffee sure does taste good. You know it, I know it, and all of those people who are currently standing in line waiting for their next cup of coffee know it … Read more

Dunkin Product Managers Take On Starbucks Product Managers

Dunkin product managers are ready to go to war over coffee

So I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but it turns out that all of the people in the world can be divided into one of two different groups. These groups consist of people who like to get their morning coffee from Dunkin and people who like to get their morning coffee from … Read more

How Can Starbucks Product Managers Stop Things From Slowing Down?

Starbucks is running the risk of stalling

Imagine for a moment that you were a product manager working at Starbucks. The company is growing, everyone likes your product, you would be on top of the world. In fact, Starbucks has opened over 2,000 cafes in the U.S. over the past three years. The result of this rapid growth has been that you … Read more