How Did GoPro Lose Their Focus?

Wouldn’t it be great if when you are out and doing all of the exciting things that you do, rock climbing, surfing, hiking, etc. if you could somehow capture the moment in a photo? Sure your cell phone has a camera on it, but it’s not really up to the task of surviving a lot … Read more

5 Secrets To An Effective Pricing Strategy For Product Managers

Pricing really should not be all that hard to do, right? Pricing is just another part of your product development definition. Find out what your customer is willing to pay, design a product to be sold at that price that will give you a 25% profit margin, and poof you should be all good to … Read more

A Trash Company Show Product Managers How To Do Pricing

How much does your product cost? Is it the right price? Both of these questions are a part of the product development definition. As product managers when we set a price for our products we might also set up some discounting rules, and then we prefer to pretty much leave things alone. However, what if … Read more

Product Managers Learn To Optimize Prices In Order To Boost Margins

So what does a product manager need to do in order to make his / her product more profitable? As I suspect every product manager learned during the last global recession, cutting costs associated with your product is one important step. That’s a nice skill to have on your product manager resume, but it’s not … Read more

How Garmin Product Managers Keep From Getting Lost

How do you find your way around these days? If you are like most of us, you probable own one of those pocket sized GPS receivers that show you a map of where you are and how to get to where you want to go to. Lots of companies make these, but Garmin was one … Read more