How Can LaCroix Product Managers Keep Their Product’s Fizz?

The LaCroix product managers have to deal with new rivals

When you are thirsty, what kind of drink do you reach for? A lot of us will grab a soda, a water, or maybe even a coffee or a tea. However, just a few years ago a new option showed up: favored bubbly water. The leader in this market category was a brand called LaCroix. … Read more

Why McDonald’s Is Losing The Burger War And What Their Product Managers Can Do About It

The product managers over at McDonalds have a problem on their hands. Yes, they work for one of the most successful companies in the world. For over 60 years McDonalds has been synonymous with fast food. However, the world is changing and McDonalds is not changing with it. A recent study showed that only one … Read more

Tips For Both Setting Your Product’s Price And Then Getting It

If you have a talk with a product manager and you ask them what the most challenging part of their job’s product development definition is, more often than not you’ll get the answer “pricing”. As product managers we’d like to maximize the amount of money that the company gets each time it sells our product. … Read more

What’s A Product Manager To Do When Your Product Costs Too Much?

Product manager just imagine that you find yourself in the following position: your company creates a great product development definition that it uses to make a new product that a large group of people want, in fact they might even need. Then you have the issue of what price you should sell your product at. … Read more

Product Managers Can Raise Their Product’s Price – They Just Have To Be Smart About It

Psst – hey product manager, would you like to make some more money with your product? Guess what – you can! All you have to do is to raise your product’s price. Uh oh, does this scare you just a bit? Are you concerned about making your existing and potential customers angry with you? I’ve … Read more

21st Century Pricing Strategies For Product Managers

What product manager really likes to tackle the pricing beast? I’m willing to bet that this part of the job is pretty low on your list of product development definition things that you like to do. However, that’s a shame. It turns out that setting the right price for your product is what is going … Read more

5 Secrets To An Effective Pricing Strategy For Product Managers

Pricing really should not be all that hard to do, right? Pricing is just another part of your product development definition. Find out what your customer is willing to pay, design a product to be sold at that price that will give you a 25% profit margin, and poof you should be all good to … Read more

How Should Product Managers Price Their Products In A Down Economy?

How is your product priced? Are you playing a “price it and forget it” game? How about the “price it and then discount it down to whatever the customer will pay” game? You would think that product pricing would be a standard part of the product development definition, but all too often we skip over … Read more