Don’t Even Think About Keeping Your Product Details Secret

You’ve got a great product. In fact, it might even be a revolutionary product. Well, there are at least some features of your product and its product development definition that you are very proud of – nobody else has them. You would sure like to tell your customers about how great your product is, but … Read more

21st Century Pricing Strategies For Product Managers

What product manager really likes to tackle the pricing beast? I’m willing to bet that this part of the job is pretty low on your list of product development definition things that you like to do. However, that’s a shame. It turns out that setting the right price for your product is what is going … Read more

Product Managers Know That They Need To Make Their Product Contagious

If you had to picture your product becoming wildly successful, what would you see in your mind’s eye? I’m betting that you wouldn’t be picturing a whole bunch of people sneezing – that was never part of your product development definition. However, if you take just a moment and think about it, what we really … Read more