How To Build A Mentor Network For Your Product Management Career

I’ve got a quick question for you: what is the next step in your career? What do you want to get promoted to? In fact, as long as we are talking about that, what comes after THAT promotion? In product management the career ladder generally goes: product manager, director, executive director, VP of marketing, Sr. … Read more

Your Product Costs Too Damn Much

The part of being a Product Manger that I hate the most is pricing. How am I expected to come up with just the right price for my product? Who am I – Goldilocks: my product’s price is supposed to be not too high, not too low, just right? That’s a tall order. Now I’ve … Read more

Sexy Advertising: How To Get Your Product Noticed

Just how many ads for products do you get hit with each day? 10? 100? 500? No matter what the number is, the end result is the same – you shut down. Something in your brain switches off and you stop “seeing” ads because you are in overload. This is bad news for a product … Read more

Can Product Managers Drive Product Innovation & Boost Quality At The Same Time?

How are you at walking and chewing gum at the same time? It’s sorta a classic challenge – do two different things simultaneously and do them well. Product managers are facing the challenge today – cut the cost of their product and simultaneously use innovation in order to make their product more competitive. How hard … Read more

How Yahoo Product Managers Are Kicking Google’s Butt

If you had the choice of being a product manager at either Yahoo or Google, which company would you choose? I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most of us would choose to work at Google. The press is filled with glowing stories about how great everything that Google touches is. … Read more

You Don’t Do A Good Job At Multitasking Product Manager, Get Over It

Too little time, too much to do. Does that adequately describe your product manger job? I don’t know about you, but often is the time that I’ve looked with envy at my peers who are great multitaskers and wished that I could be more like them. It turns out that I was wishing for the … Read more

Using Old Technology To Win Product Battles

Newer, faster, shinier – these are all things that every product manager wants their product to be. Our hearts are filled with product lust when we see other products, in our space or not, that have the latest & greatest bells and whistles. Oh if only our product could have that cool new technology also. … Read more

5 Reasons Fake Products Are A Real Product Manager Problem

When a product manger’s birthday rolls around and before he / she gets a chance to blow out the candles on their birthday cake, it is customary that they make a wish. Guess what just about all product mangers wish for every year? If you guessed “for my product to be successful”, then you guessed … Read more

How Can Product Mangers Mange People?

So what do product mangers mange? Generally I’d agree with you if you answered “products“; however, I’ve been giving this some thought and I think that we’re missing the mark if that’s our answer. If you think about it, what we really spend our time doing is managing people and hoping that they will help … Read more

Breakeven Analysis Is A Product Manger’s Secret Weapon

Product managers know that how they price their products can be the difference between runaway success and total failure for their products. However, knowing this and knowing how to price well are two completely different things. In fact, there is often a great deal of outside pressure on product mangers to change their product’s price … Read more