How Can LaCroix Product Managers Keep Their Product’s Fizz?

The LaCroix product managers have to deal with new rivals

When you are thirsty, what kind of drink do you reach for? A lot of us will grab a soda, a water, or maybe even a coffee or a tea. However, just a few years ago a new option showed up: favored bubbly water. The leader in this market category was a brand called LaCroix. … Read more

Can Apple’s Product Managers Win Back The Movie Market?

So just in case you didn’t realize it, Apple makes a lot of money from both renting and selling movies. This is all part of their iTunes empire that has been around for a while and has become sort of the defecto go-to location for a lot of people when they are looking for new … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Kids To Smoke Again

There are many different types of product manager jobs. One of the more, shall we say delicate of these jobs, is that of being a product manager for a major tobacco company. It is your job to get people to consume more of your product – that means smoke more. It turns out that you … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Know The Big Picture

As product managers we like to work hard. The reason that we like to do this is because we all believe that the harder we work, the more progress we’re going to make. What we are trying to achieve is to move closer to our target of total market domination, unlimited customers, and the ability … Read more

Online Movie Tickets Pose A Problem For Product Managers

When you go to the movies, how do you buy your tickets? I’m willing to bet that your answer was not “online”. Yeah, sure, sometimes if the movie is going to be really popular or if it is critically important that you get your hands on a ticket, then you might go online and buy … Read more

How Do You Save A Dying Brand? The Blackberry Story

The best product management job to have roughly 5 years ago would have been to work at Blackberry – the maker of the most popular mobile phones. Back in the day, no matter where you went, you would always see people typing on those little Blackberry keyboards or using their little Blackberry trackballs. However, a … Read more

Product Managers Need To Beware Of The Hidden Impact Of Discounting Their Product

Have you ever given any thought to the damage that you might be doing to your company’s other brands when you slash the price of your product? It turns out that cutting your product’s price might boost your product’s sales, but at what expense? Say Goodbye To Your Margin As a product manager, it can … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Being #2

If you’re a product manager, then you always want to be a winner, right? It’s almost an integral part of our product development definition — you want your product to storm into the marketplace and kick some butt and become #1 overnight. You want to climb to the top of your marketplace and you want … Read more

When Product Managers Fall Down: What’s Happened To Lexus?

Of the past 20 years or so, one of the best product management jobs to have in the United States had to be a product manager who was responsible for one of Toyota’s Lexus’ brand’s cars. These cars have been selling very well for a long time and have been very respected in the marketplace. … Read more

Pepsi Fumbles A Gatorade Makeover: Lessons For Product Managers

As a result of attending ProductCamp NYC I’ve been asked a lot more questions recently about how Product Mangers can avoid making mistakes with their products. Half of that answer is to make sure that you understand the fundamentals of Product Management. The other half is to learn from the mistakes of others. Like the … Read more