How Product Managers Can Accomplish Great Things

There is no question that as a product manager there are a countless number of things that we can spend our time on each and every day as we work to refine and implement our product development definition. However, if we want to accomplish great things for our product, just exactly what should we be … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Their Customers To Trust Them

In our relationships with other people, one of the most basic things that we generally spend no time thinking about is the issue of trust. Without trust, there really can’t be any relationship. In order for our product to be a success, we need to find a way to get our customers to trust us … Read more

Steve Job’s Advice For Product Managers

Steve Jobs died too young – what great things could he have accomplished if only he had been able to live just a little bit longer? No matter, even during his brief time on this planet he accomplished a number of amazing product related things that every product manager can learn from. What’s even more … Read more

New Book – Product Management Secrets

The job of a product manager is made even more difficult by the simple fact that it really does not come with any clear instructions on how to do it correctly. As product managers we are constantly searching for ways to become better. What You’ll Find Inside: 9 WAYS TO TO BECOME AN INFORMATION PRODUCT … Read more

How Should A Product Manager Handle Product Team Conflicts?

I’m currently in charge of a team of skilled product development professionals who spend their time helping me to refine my product development definition. They each have their own set of skills that they bring to my product and I need each of them to be operating at peak efficiency if I want to have … Read more

New Book: Product Development Lessons For Product Managers

A new book has just been published by Dr. Jim Anderson and Blue Elephant Consulting: Product Development Lessons For Product Managers   What is a product manager without a product? Nothing. That’s why it’s so very important that when a product is being developed that the product manager be involved. Now exactly how best to … Read more

3 Things That Every Product Manager Needs To Know In Order To Manage

Your job title is “product manager”, just exactly how much of that management stuff do you do? For that matter, have you ever been taught how to do it? Since so much of what a product manager has to do involves getting other people at your company to do things for you (above and beyond … Read more

New Book: Customer Lessons For Product Managers

In the end, it all comes down to what your customer wants to tell you about your product. However, how many of us have been taught how to listen to our customers? What You’ll Find Inside: LET’S GO VISIT THE CUSTOMER, PRODUCT MANAGER ARE ANGRY CUSTOMERS A PRODUCT MANAGER’S BEST FRIEND? CUSTOMER LED NEW PRODUCT … Read more

21st Century Pricing Strategies For Product Managers

What product manager really likes to tackle the pricing beast? I’m willing to bet that this part of the job is pretty low on your list of product development definition things that you like to do. However, that’s a shame. It turns out that setting the right price for your product is what is going … Read more

New Book – Product Failure Lessons For Product Managers: Examples Of Products That Have Failed For Product Managers To Learn From

Product failures are never something that a product manager wants to talk about. We all live with the secret dread that someday the product that we are responsible might turn out to be a failure. When that happens, we all expect that we’ll be asked to leave the company. What You’ll Find Inside: HOW DELL … Read more