How A Product Manager Can Avoid Being Fired

Product managers need to know how to not get fired

Ok, so there really is no pride here: I’ve been fired. Not only have I been fired, but it turns out that I’ve been fired a lot. Like a total of seven times. Now, in my own defense I’ve worked for 14 different companies, but seven is still a very big number. I must confess … Read more

Email Communication Etiquette for Product Managers

Note: this post was written by Jackie Being able to communicate with coworkers and clients face-to-face is the best way to get your message across, but it is also time consuming. When there is a lot to get done during the day, email communication is often the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective way of getting … Read more

9 Ways To Deal With The Competition

Product managers want their products to be successful. One big challenge that we all face is that the world is filled with competitors – companies that offer a product that solves the same customer problem that our product development definition solves. In order for our product to be successful, we’re going to have to find … Read more

Product Managers Need To Master The Art Of Social Media Listening

As product managers we are responsible for using our product development definition to create products that meet the needs of our customers. However, in order to do that well, we need to do a good job of understanding what our customers want. The good news here is that more often than not, our customers are … Read more

Product Managers Who Spy On The Competition

What do your customers think about your product? Do they like it better than your competition’s product? Did you do a good job when you created your product development definition? Would it be helpful to you to know more about your competition’s product? I’m willing to bet that the answer to this question is “yes”. … Read more

How Product Managers Should Go About Doing Business Research

In order for your product to be successful, you are going to have to have to have a good understanding of your market. I wish that I could tell you that there was some sort of pill or potion that you could take that would magically provide you with the information that you need. Sorry, … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Their Customers To Trust Them

In our relationships with other people, one of the most basic things that we generally spend no time thinking about is the issue of trust. Without trust, there really can’t be any relationship. In order for our product to be a success, we need to find a way to get our customers to trust us … Read more

Product Managers Need To Learn How To Offer Customers A Next Best Offer

If there was a perfect world for us product managers to live in, what would it look like? Sure there would be white unicorns everywhere but what would our jobs be like? I’d guess that we’d know our customers much better than we know them today. In a perfect world, starting with the product development … Read more

Product Managers Know Customers Don’t Buy When You Tell Them Too Much

If you would like to get more of your potential customers to buy your product, what’s the best way to make this happen? If you talked with product managers, I’d be willing to bet that you’d hear a lot of them tell you that delivering more product information to your potential customers just might do … Read more