Product Managers Struggle To Use Price To Make Their Products Popular

Strategy gets complicated when your customers are using technology to shop

As product managers, when we want to boost the sales of our product, one of the “levers” that we have to make this happen is the price of our product. If everything works out the way that it should, if we lower the price of our product then sales should go up. However, product managers … Read more

Are Watch Product Managers Almost Out Of Time?

Change is happening and watch product managers need to learn to deal with itq

So here’s an interesting question to kick things off: do you wear a watch? Not all that long ago, the answer to this question would have been pretty much “yes” for everyone. I mean, how else were you going to be able to tell what time it was? However, as with all such things in … Read more

Amazon Takes On Walmart: Who’s Product Managers Will Win?

Amazon product managers are going after Walmart shoppers

I suspect that if I asked you to take a moment and feel sorry for the product managers who work for Amazon, you probably would not. For that matter, if I asked you to take a moment and feel bad for the product managers who work for Amazon, you probably would also find that hard … Read more

Crate and Barrel Product Managers Learn To Be Social

Product managers learn to embrace the digital age

Crate and Barrel sells a lot of furniture. They are now faced with the age old question of how best to get their furniture noticed by their potential customers. In the past, the firm relied on what had always worked for them: still photographs. However, lately that has all changed. The company now has over … Read more

How The Yum Product Managers Are Adapting To A Changing World

Fast food markets change very fast

I can’t actually tell you if it would be one of the best product management jobs to have, but I can tell you that it would certainly be one of the most delicious. What am I talking about? I’m talking about being a product manager who works for YUM Brands. You know, the company that … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Decide To Do Battle With UPS

Amazon product managers say "Bring It On"

As I’m sure that we all know by now, Amazon is a very large company that does a lot of different things: they ship books and products, offer cloud computing resources, and even run an internet based television channel. The product managers at Amazon are under an enormous amount of pressure to always be looking … Read more

Can Coke Product Managers Make Their New Alcoholic Drink A Success?

Chu-Hai is big in Japan. Can Coke join the crowd?

So for just a moment, picture yourself as a product manager for one of the most iconic products out there: Coke-Cola. You’ve done a great job – Coke is one of the most popular drinks available and no matter what country you go to, it is very well known. The company makes an enormous amount … Read more

Can Product Managers Save “American Idol”?

Can American Idol be brought back from the dead?

So who among us has not heard about the famous TV show “American Idol”? This is the show where anyone can try out to be on the show and the best singers are then selected to compete in a multi-week competition in which one of them will eventually be crowned the “American Idol” and potentially … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Prepare For War With Walmart Product Managers

Amazon is getting into a next-day delivery war with Walmart

Amazon is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of online selling. Walmart is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of bricks & mortar selling. These two firms are starting to come into conflict when it comes to next-day home delivery as Walmart starts to move into online sales and … Read more

Boeing Product Managers Struggle To Come Back From The 737 MAX Disaster

Boeing's product managers need to find ways to rebuild trust

Every product manager job is different. Some are easy and some are hard. Right now, being the product manager at Boeing who is responsible for the 737 MAX jet would defiantly fall into the difficult category. The reason that this would be such a hard job to have right now is because this airplane has … Read more