Product Managers Deal With The Challenge Of Cup Holders

Can a car ever have too many cup holders?

So if you were a product manager who was in charge of an automobile, what do you think that your #1 concern would be? Do you think that your customers would care most about how fast your car could go? How about how many doors it has or the size of its tires? Could it … Read more

Product Managers Discover That The Circular Is Not Going Away

Paper based circulars are still important to retailers

So if you are running a business and you’d like to keep your customers aware and informed about what products you are offering, what’s the best way to go about doing this? In our modern age, a lot of product managers would look at their product development definition and say that you need to update … Read more

Barnes & Noble Product Managers Rediscover Books

The Barnes & Noble product managers realize that they have lost their way

Quick question for you: when was the last time that you were in a Barnes & Noble bookstore? When I tried to answer this question, I had to think about it for awhile. I think that the last time I actually entered one of their stores was around Christmas when I had whittled my list … Read more

What Can Store Credit Card Product Managers Do To Remain Viable?

Store credit cards are declining, what’s a product manager to do?

So if I was to take a look inside of your purse or wallet right now, what would I find? I’m willing to bet that you probably have either a Visa or a Mastercard credit card, perhaps an American Express credit card or even a Discover credit card. However, what else would be there? Would … Read more

Is The Best Product Defense A Cheap Defense?

What should Gillette do about new cheap razors?

Shaving is something that men without beards or mustaches do just about every day. In all honesty, I don’t think that we spend a lot of time thinking about shaving – it’ just something that we do. Over at Gillette, since they make razors, they spend a lot of time thinking about how men shave … Read more

How Can Product Managers Save The Internal Combustion Engine?

Product managers need to find a way to keep internal combustion engines relevant

Let’s face it: if you are a product manager for the traditional car engine, called an internal combustion engine, things are looking rather tough for you right now. The world is changing and you’ve suddenly got a lot of completion. The arrival of popular electric vehicles and a bunch of new government regulations about pollution … Read more

New Way To Find Remote Product Manager Jobs

ProductRemote product manager remote job hunt service

Quick heads up for everyone. Anthony Bibbs Jr. reached out to me to let me know that he’s in the process of launching a new service for Product Managers called “ProductRemote”. I haven’t had too much time to check it out, but it appears as though it’s designed to connect product managers who want to … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Get Their Customized Email Correct

Product managers need to do a better job of customizing their emails

So let’s talk about email for just a moment. If you are like me, you get a ton of the stuff. In all honesty, most of it is junk and I just end up deleting it even before I read it. However, there are those one or two emails that just happen to catch my … Read more

Product Managers Try To Find Stores To Fill Malls

Malls need stores, but what kind of stores?

When was the last time that you went out to a mall? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. We used to always go to the mall – that’s where you could get stuff, especially during the holidays. However, with the arrival of online shopping most of us don’t go to malls as … Read more