Strip Mall Product Managers Look For A Second Chance At Success
Strip mall product managers are struggling with the rise in at home shopping but they may be able to attract customers if they can pick the right tenants
The Accidental Product Manager
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Strip mall product managers are struggling with the rise in at home shopping but they may be able to attract customers if they can pick the right tenants
Restaurants that are running into capacity issues with the increase in home delivery orders are starting to create “ghost kitchens” in empty mall spaces
If you’d like to sign up for a challenging product manager job, then perhaps you’d like to look into what it would take to become the product manager for a mall. Back in the day, malls where where everyone in town would go to do their shopping. They had movie theaters, food courts, and, of … Read more
Restaurants that have been affected by the Covid-19 virus are delivering more online orders and so they need more kitchen space
When was the last time that you went out to a mall? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. We used to always go to the mall – that’s where you could get stuff, especially during the holidays. However, with the arrival of online shopping most of us don’t go to malls as … Read more
Just about every town that we live in has a mall. The mall has a collection of stores that if we need a specific thing, we know that we can visit the mall to get. There are generally food courts and movie theaters there also that cause us to visit the mall. Malls just seem … Read more
I’m pretty sure that at one time or another, we’ve all eaten at a Sbarro pizza store. In my case, I’ve run into them in airports as I’ve been looking for a quick lunch or dinner on the way to catching my next flight. They are also in just about every mall out there. However, … Read more