Grocery Store Product Managers Get Ready For The Future

Grocery stores are going to have to change to keep up with customer's needs

Product managers for grocery stores have actually had it pretty easy for quite some time. If you think about it, your local grocery store probably has not changed all that much since you were a little kid. Oh sure, now they have organic vegetables and perhaps they create prepared meals, but their product development definition … Read more

New Product Competition Challenges For Product Managers: Balloon Toys

What should a product manager do when their new product is followed by a similar one?

How many of you have ever been involved in a water balloon fight? I’m willing to bet that most of us have at some point in time. Do you remember how that went? You got some balloons, then it seemed to take forever as you used the hose to fill the balloons, and then you … Read more

Restaurant Product Managers Discover Too Much Of A Good Thing

Product managers need to be aware of the impact of changes to their product

As product managers, the one thing that we’d all like to have is more customers. We dream of the day that we’ve created a product development definition that will cause our customers think about our product and then as quickly as they can take action to get their hands on it. These hopes and dreams … Read more

The Digital World Changes The Way That Food Company Product Managers Operate

Food purchase changes mean that product managers have to change

Let’s be straight about a few things: the world in which we live is currently changing. A lot. Nowhere is this more evident than perhaps when we take a look at how consumers go about buying food. This used to be a simple task: people jumped into their cars with their food shopping list in … Read more

Is It Time For Product Managers To Go Meatless?

What role can product managers play in the creation of meat product substitutes?

So let’s see a show of hands. Who here enjoys a delicious, juicy, burger? Hmm, I don’t see everyone’s hands going up, but I do see just about everyone’s hands going up. There is no question that in the developed 1st world countries, people do love their meat. There’s just one problem – it turns … Read more

How Can Product Managers Tell Customers To Not Use Their Product?

Product managers face a challenge trying to get customers to not use their product

Every product needs a product manager. This means that things that are good for us (think vegetables, running shoes, and protein bars) all need product managers. Likewise, things that are legal but perhaps not so good for us also need to have their own product managers (think guns, fatty foods, and porn). Into this latter … Read more

The Accidental Product Manager Podcast Now Available!

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Good news! The Accidental Product Manager blog is now being supported by a brand new podcast called (what else) “The Accidental Product Manager”. This new podcast is available on the Anchor podcasting service (just purchased by Spotify!). If you don’t have time to read the latest The Accidental Product Manager updates, then listen to them! … Read more

Will The Amazon Hub Program Solve Amazon’s Package Delivery Issues?

Amazon has come up with a plan to deliver packages to apartment residents

Just imagine if you were a product manager at Amazon. What would one of your biggest challenges be? There’s no problem with Amazon having what your customers want – Amazon is huge and they’ve got a lot of warehouses. No, your biggest problem would be just exactly how you were planning on getting what your … Read more

Why Can’t Amazon Sell Luxury Products?

Amazon can't break into the fashion industry because they don't have high end products

As we all know, Amazon sells a lot of different things. However, there is one area where they are distinctly lacking in products to sell: luxury goods. It’s not as though the Amazon product managers have not held discussions with the Swatch, Gucci, LVMH Louis Vuitton, and other luxury vendors. However, so far they have … Read more