How Will Product Managers Make Driverless Grocery Delivery A Success?

Driverless grocery deliveries may be coming sooner than you think

Let’s face it, today when you see a car on the road you expect to see a person sitting behind the wheel. However, if some very smart product managers have their way, in the future you might be seeing driverless cars whizzing around. This is all brand new stuff, but there have been a number … Read more

When Product Managers Do Bad Things

Product managers can do bad things too

I’d like to tell you that the calling to become a product manager is only received by those of us with the highest morals. However, I really can’t say that. What this means is that in the world of product managers, there are the good ones and the not so good ones. I like to … Read more

Boeing Product Managers Struggle To Come Back From The 737 MAX Disaster

Boeing's product managers need to find ways to rebuild trust

Every product manager job is different. Some are easy and some are hard. Right now, being the product manager at Boeing who is responsible for the 737 MAX jet would defiantly fall into the difficult category. The reason that this would be such a hard job to have right now is because this airplane has … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Get Dashboard Screens Correct

If you’ve had a chance to jump into a new car lately, undoubtedly your attention has been drawn to the dashboard screen that just about every car has nowadays. Car manufactures are changing their product development definition and moving more and more of the car’s control and monitoring systems over to these centralized dashboards in … Read more

Can Product Managers Learn To Sell Groceries Online – And More?

As product managers we all like to try new ideas out. However, sometimes the job that we’re being asked to do is so brand new that there really is nobody that we can compare ourselves to and no existing product development definition. The product managers at Ocado find themselves in this very situation: they are … Read more