Mistakes Made By The A380 Airbus Product Managers

The A380 plane was a bad idea that saw the light of day

If you were looking for an exciting product manager job, then being a product manager at the European aircraft company Airbus would probably be a safe bet. Airbus is always locked in battle with the U.S. firm Boeing and both companies sell hundreds of their large airplanes to airlines around the world. At the start … Read more

Boeing Product Managers Struggle To Come Back From The 737 MAX Disaster

Boeing's product managers need to find ways to rebuild trust

Every product manager job is different. Some are easy and some are hard. Right now, being the product manager at Boeing who is responsible for the 737 MAX jet would defiantly fall into the difficult category. The reason that this would be such a hard job to have right now is because this airplane has … Read more

The Art Of Building The Right Airplane For The Right Customer

When you are a product manager who is in charge of a successful product, you often become nervous when it becomes time to create and launch your next product. You want it to be a success also, but you’re not sure how to make this happen. Just imagine how the product managers at the aircraft … Read more

The Virtual Fence – Where Was The Product Manger?

The Wall Street Journal ran a story today about the U.S. Customs and Border Protection department deciding to put off their grand plans for building a futuristic “virtual fence” between the U.S. and Mexico. The fence is being built by Boeing and was originally designed to cost $20M but has become much more expensive over … Read more