Product Managers Race To Provide One-Day Delivery

Customers will buy from the company that can deliver their package the next day

As product managers, we all spend our time trying to better understand what our customers really want. This can be a tricky thing to do. We need to understand what motivates our customers in order to better understand how we can provide them with the products that they will be willing to buy. Product managers … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Prepare For War With Walmart Product Managers

Amazon is getting into a next-day delivery war with Walmart

Amazon is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of online selling. Walmart is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of bricks & mortar selling. These two firms are starting to come into conflict when it comes to next-day home delivery as Walmart starts to move into online sales and … Read more

What Does The Internet Of Things Mean To Product Managers?

Just in case you’ve been living with your head under a rock, there is this thing called the “internet of things” that is getting ready to take over the world. What is meant by the internet of things can vary from person to person, but basically what it means is the creation of a world … Read more

Just For You: The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter

It is with a great deal of pride that I am finally able to announce that free subscriptions to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter are now available! Subscribe to The Accidental Product Manager Newsletter now: Click Here! Why A Newsletter? Why Now? You might be asking why I felt the need to create a newsletter … Read more