Tips For Both Setting Your Product’s Price And Then Getting It

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!If you have a talk with a product manager and you ask them what the most challenging part of their job’s product development definition is, more often than not you’ll get the answer “pricing”. As product managers we’d like to … Read more

Can HP’s Product Managers Use 3-D Printers To Save The Company?

Once upon a time, being a product manager at HP was a great job to have. The company prided itself on its innovations and it was always trying to bring new products to market. However, time has passed and HP fell on hard times. Eventually the leadership at HP decided that they were trying to … Read more

How To Find More Customers For Your Product

Just exactly what does a product manager job description say that we have to do? Yes yes, we are responsible for creating our product development definition, managing it, and delivering our product. However, is that where things stop? Could it be possible that we also have a responsibility to go out and find new customers … Read more

How Can A Product Manager Bring A Bookstore Back From The Dead?

As a product manager, one of the things that we like the best is taking on a challenge. However, there has to be a least a chance that we can be successful. If someone came to you and asked you to make a book store become successful in this day and age, would you take … Read more

What’s A Cola Product Manager To Do When Your Product Goes Flat?

When it’s hot out and you are thirsty, what do you want to drink? No, I’m not talking about a beer – let’s talk non-alcoholic drinks. Due to years and years of spending on enormous advertising campaigns, many of us instantly think of drinking a Coke when we want something cold and sweet. For years … Read more

What Would You Do If Walmart Turned Off Your Gas?

I seem to recall that there is a type of fish that attaches itself to sharks, I think that it’s called a remora. This fish then gets access to all of the leftovers when the shark feeds. Not a bad relationship, eh? In the U.S. gas station business, there is a company called Murphy USA … Read more

Goodbye Scion – What Happened To You?

You would think that if you became the product manager of something as big as an automobile, you’d be set for life. I mean, if the company is going to go to the effort of rolling out a new car model, then you’d think that they would be so committed to it that your job … Read more

What Do The Whole Foods Product Managers Have To Do To Create Organic Growth?

Whole foods is a grocery store chain. It’s actually a pretty special grocery store change and if you talk to any of the people who shop there, you’ll quickly discover that most of them are true believers in the company and the products that they carry. For the past few years, Whole Foods has been … Read more

Comcast Discovers How To Reconnect Cord Cutters

By now I would think that you’ve heard about the so-called “cord cutters” who are out there. If you are a product manager working for a cable company these people are the bane of your existence. The cord cutters are the people who have decided that they no longer need to subscribe to cable television … Read more