Netflix’s Streaming Product Managers Get Ready For Battle

Netflix's Streaming Product Managers Get Ready For Battle

I am willing to bet that just about everyone who is reading this is currently a subscriber to the Netflix video service. Yes, there might be a few of you who don’t currently send the company a check each month, but even you have gone over to friends’ houses and sat around watching Netflix movies … Read more

Can Disney Product Managers Solve Their Sports Problem?

Disney is a very large, very successful company. The company is made up of many different parts: consumer products, theme parks, film studios, and media networks. Many parts of the company are doing very well right now, but other parts are not. One of the parts that seems to be struggling is the ESPN sports … Read more

So What’s Wrong With Twitter?

So here’s a question for you: do you “tweet”? By that question, of course, I mean do you use the social networking tool Twitter? During the course of an average day do you micro-blog and send out messages to your “followers” that are no more than 140 characters in length? It turns out that a … Read more

Comcast Discovers How To Reconnect Cord Cutters

By now I would think that you’ve heard about the so-called “cord cutters” who are out there. If you are a product manager working for a cable company these people are the bane of your existence. The cord cutters are the people who have decided that they no longer need to subscribe to cable television … Read more

How Can Product Managers Turn A Competitor’s Advantage Against Them?

As product managers sometimes we have to sit back and just watch our competition execute a fantastic marketing program. Due to limitations that might be budget based, resource based, related to our product development definition, or simply lack of time based there is nothing that we can do to counter what our competition is doing. … Read more

Is Offering Your Customers Bait Ever A Good Idea For A Product Manager?

I’m pretty sure that you are like me – you think that based on your product development definition your product is the best one out there. If only your potential customers would buy it, they would be amazed at how well it solves their problems. It’s just finding a way to get them to make … Read more

Are AT&T Wireless Product Managers Getting More Customers The Right Way?

How would you like to have the job of being a product manager at a wireless service provider? Admittedly, it would be an exciting job. Wireless services bring in a great deal of money so there would be no questions about your product being a success, the real question would be what could you do … Read more

Netflix Teaches Product Managers Lessons About Pricing

As product managers we all dream of the day that we could muster up the courage to actually raise the price of our product. Just imagine – we wouldn’t have to do any additional work, and we’d be able to bring in even more money! Apparently the product managers over at Netflix had the same … Read more