Can Disney Product Managers Solve Their Sports Problem?

Disney is a very large, very successful company. The company is made up of many different parts: consumer products, theme parks, film studios, and media networks. Many parts of the company are doing very well right now, but other parts are not. One of the parts that seems to be struggling is the ESPN sports … Read more

Falling Stars: What To Do When Your Product Starts To Fade Like iTunes

Can there be any better feeling that that of a product manager who is in charge of a high-flying product? A product that everyone wants and you almost can’t make enough of to satisfy demand? Those sure are great times, but they won’t last no matter how good your product development definition is. Every party … Read more

Taylor Swift vs. Spotify: A Product Manager Problem

Guess what: we don’t buy music any more. Nope, gone are the days that we’d go out to the store and pay US$15 for the latest album from our favorite artist. iTunes and downloadable music pretty much killed this market. However, it turns out that something brand new has shown up that is killing iTunes … Read more