What Product Managers Can Learn From Apple About How To Handle Cooling Products

Hot products is what all of us product managers really want. We want the product that we are responsible for to be the one that is flying off of the shelves. Although this may be a great fantasy for most of us, some of us do find ourselves in this situation. However, nothing lasts forever. … Read more

Applying Digital Product Management To Perfume

Think, if you will, about the world of perfumes. This market consists of tiny little bottles that contain liquids that when sprayed on (most of the time) women produce scents that the wearer believes will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Chanel No. 5 is considered to be the most expensive perfume in … Read more

Is Offering Your Customers Bait Ever A Good Idea For A Product Manager?

I’m pretty sure that you are like me – you think that based on your product development definition your product is the best one out there. If only your potential customers would buy it, they would be amazed at how well it solves their problems. It’s just finding a way to get them to make … Read more

Let Apple Show Product Managers How To Sell More Products

Is it possible that Apple might be able to teach you a thing or two about how to find more customers for your product? I can almost hear you saying “Hey Dr. Jim, I’m a product manager who manages a line of ball bearings – they are nothing like the kinds of products that Apple … Read more

How Dell Product Managers Dropped The Ball On Tablet Computers

If there was such a thing as a standard product manager job description, then you’d think that it would contain the phrase “… be responsible for developing products that solve problems and sell well…” The product managers over at Dell recently had a fantastic opportunity to create a tablet product that would take over the … Read more

How Product Managers Can Innovate & Not Lose Their Shirts

What’s your plan for making your product a success going forward? Hoping some magic fairy shows up and makes your competition go away overnight? Well good luck with that! I suspect that your management is probably pressing you and your product team to do some of that “innovation” stuff. Got any ideas on how to … Read more

Should A Product Manager Be A Copycat?

Every product manager dreams of his / her product turning into the next iPhone, or Google search engine, or some other runaway successlike that. However, as we all too well know, the odds of that ever happening are actually pretty slim. However, maybe there’s another way to become successful and famous. Maybe the key to … Read more