Apple Shows Product Managers How To Get More For More

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!You sorta gotta have some pity for the poor product managers over at Apple. I mean yes, they are responsible for one of the most popular products out there: the iPhone. However, we are living in an age in which … Read more

Product Managers Prepare For The Great Mattress Wars

Just exactly how much time do you spend every day thinking about that mattress that you sleep on. Scientists say that we’ll spend roughly 1/3 of our lives sleeping, so you’d think that the mattress that we sleep on would be a very big deal. However, if you are like most of us, you don’t … Read more

How Did GoPro Lose Their Focus?

Wouldn’t it be great if when you are out and doing all of the exciting things that you do, rock climbing, surfing, hiking, etc. if you could somehow capture the moment in a photo? Sure your cell phone has a camera on it, but it’s not really up to the task of surviving a lot … Read more

Oracle Product Managers Get Ready To Battle Amazon In The Cloud

I’m pretty sure that by now you’ve heard about “the cloud” – it’s the mythical place where companies can get their programs to run and their data to be stored in such a way that they don’t have to buy any computers or storage systems. Another company takes care of all of the day-to-day activities … Read more

How Product Managers Can Find More Customers

I’m pretty sure that we all know and understand that product managers don’t work in sales. However, our career is very closely tied to the success of the product that we are responsible for. So, while we don’t have primary responsibility for selling our product, we are however quite motivated to make sure that the … Read more

A Product Manager’s Approach To Finding Love Online

Let’s talk about love, shall we? I fully understand that your job as a product manager probably takes up a lot of your time and you really don’t have a lot of time left over to think about such trivial things as love, but it’s all around us if you’d just take a moment to … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Prepare To Do The Unthinkable: Open A Store

You would think that being a product manager who works for Amazon would be a pretty cushy job right? The company operates one of the largest online stores and they don’t seem to have to generate a profit and investors still seem to love their stock. However, all of this success may hid a key … Read more

When Moving Online, Product Managers Need To Do Some Planning

Retail businesses are dead. We all need to change our product development definition because everything in the future sold online. Well, ok, maybe not. However, I think that we can all agree that online sales are becoming a bigger and bigger part of just about every company and what you’ve done to help make … Read more

Can Product Managers Bring A Product Back From The Dead?

There’s one aspect of being a product manager that we don’t spend enough time talking about. Killing products. Yes, you heard me correctly. We talk and talk about what we can do to make our products more successful; however, we need to understand that every product comes to the end of the road eventually. When … Read more

Bar Code Scanner Product Managers Find A Way To Grow Their Market

Product managers for bar code scanners have it pretty good these days. Their products are in high demand by companies such as Amazon who operate the large warehouses that contain thousands of items, each identified by a unique bar code. These scanners, often called a “brick on a stick”, are used thousands of times each … Read more