Car Product Managers Prepare To Go Electric
Car product managers are getting ready to shift to making larger electric cars that will have longer ranges and will generate larger profits
The Accidental Product Manager
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Car product managers are getting ready to shift to making larger electric cars that will have longer ranges and will generate larger profits
Product managers at General Motors’ China product plant have discovered that they electric car batteries that they were planning on using may be no good
So I want you to think back to the last time that you bought a car. Just exactly how did you go about doing this fairly major task? If you are like most of us, you at least spent some time thinking about what you wanted. You thought about how much stuff you generally haul … Read more
You would think that if you became the product manager of something as big as an automobile, you’d be set for life. I mean, if the company is going to go to the effort of rolling out a new car model, then you’d think that they would be so committed to it that your job … Read more