Coke Product Managers Seek New Tastes

Coke product managers are searching for new drinks to create

Ah, to be a product manager at Coke-Cola. Would that not be the best job ever? Coke is a huge company, it has a very large market share, and every customer that you might ever want to capture has already heard about about your product. What more could a product manager ask for? Coke has … Read more

Product Managers Want People To Eat At Home

Packaged food product managers need more of us to eat at home

Quick quiz: where have you been eating your meals lately? Perhaps a better version of this question would be: how many times have you eaten at home lately? If you are like most of us, your answer is going to be mixed. Yeah, you might grab a breakfast at home, but do you take your … Read more

What Will It Take For Sam’s Club To Be Successful In China?

Sometimes you have to go up market in order to be successful

In the world of shopping in bulk, you have choices. Specifically, when you need a huge amount of toilet paper or paper towels, you can choose to go to either Sam’s Club or Costco.Where do you choose to go? If you are like most people, if you have a choice you generally choose go to … Read more

Why Don’t Amazon’s Product Managers Understand Europe?

Amazon’s product managers seem to be out of fashion when it comes to Europe

Let’s face it: Amazon is a very big company and they have done a lot of different things very well. However, it turns out that they may not yet be able to do everything perfectly. One area where the Amazon product managers are still struggling is in Europe. Specifically, when it comes to selling both … Read more

Starbucks Product Managers Try To Get Their Customers To Come Back Later

Afternoon visitors are what Starbucks needs in order to continue to grow

Clearly product managers at the Starbucks coffee chain have no problems getting customers to drop by their stores in the morning and purchase coffee. However, as is the case with product managers everywhere, the Starbucks product managers are under pressure to keep growing the firm’s profits. If they are going to do this, then they … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Use Price To Make Their Products Popular

Strategy gets complicated when your customers are using technology to shop

As product managers, when we want to boost the sales of our product, one of the “levers” that we have to make this happen is the price of our product. If everything works out the way that it should, if we lower the price of our product then sales should go up. However, product managers … Read more

Are Watch Product Managers Almost Out Of Time?

Change is happening and watch product managers need to learn to deal with itq

So here’s an interesting question to kick things off: do you wear a watch? Not all that long ago, the answer to this question would have been pretty much “yes” for everyone. I mean, how else were you going to be able to tell what time it was? However, as with all such things in … Read more

The Digital World Changes The Way That Food Company Product Managers Operate

Food purchase changes mean that product managers have to change

Let’s be straight about a few things: the world in which we live is currently changing. A lot. Nowhere is this more evident than perhaps when we take a look at how consumers go about buying food. This used to be a simple task: people jumped into their cars with their food shopping list in … Read more

How Can Product Managers Tell Customers To Not Use Their Product?

Product managers face a challenge trying to get customers to not use their product

Every product needs a product manager. This means that things that are good for us (think vegetables, running shoes, and protein bars) all need product managers. Likewise, things that are legal but perhaps not so good for us also need to have their own product managers (think guns, fatty foods, and porn). Into this latter … Read more

Will The Amazon Hub Program Solve Amazon’s Package Delivery Issues?

Amazon has come up with a plan to deliver packages to apartment residents

Just imagine if you were a product manager at Amazon. What would one of your biggest challenges be? There’s no problem with Amazon having what your customers want – Amazon is huge and they’ve got a lot of warehouses. No, your biggest problem would be just exactly how you were planning on getting what your … Read more