How Product Managers Can Manage The Age Gap On Their Product Teams

Product managers often don’t manage any direct reports. However, in order to have a successful product, we always seem to find ourselves in charge of a sort of “virtual team” of people who are sprinkled throughout the company. It turns out that in order for our product to be a success, we need to do … Read more

What Google Can Teach Product Managers About Finding Inner Peace

Image Credit So product manager, what is your life like these days? Are you dealing with long hours at work, demanding bosses and customers? Internal departments who don’t want to talk to you let alone do what you need them to do? An ever changing product development definition? I guess the concept of finding inner … Read more

Product Manager Secrets For Dealing With Email

So here we stand together at the start of a new year filled with hopes and dreams that this year will be better than last. Now if we could just do something about that email problem that we’ve all been dealing with… I don’t know about you, but depending on what part of the product … Read more