Why Product Managers Should Move Slowly

Just exactly what a product manager does during the average day can vary from product manager to product manager. However, there is one thing that all of us do each and every day: make decisions. Sometimes we make good decisions, sometimes not so good decisions. As product managers we’d all like to find a way … Read more

Results Of YOUR Vote: Where Do Product Managers Need The Most Help?

The results of the first ever The Accidental Product Manager “where do you need the most help with product management” survey are now in! First off, let me take just a moment and thank everyone who took the time to (1) read my really long email, and (2) hit the “reply” button and sent me … Read more

So You Need to Promote Your Product?

Note: This posting has been guest written by Angie Picardo. Angie Picardo is a staff writer for NerdWallet. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs stay financially savvy, and save some money with a Karmaloop coupon code. You’ve made a new product— hooray! But how can you get people to buy it? Here are some tips … Read more

Product Management 101: How To Market Your Product

You’d think that we’d all know how to market our products simply because we get marketed to every single day. It turns out that this is not the case simply because there are a lot of different components that go into successfully marketing a product. Although you’d think that this kind of activity would be … Read more

Video: Product Manager Tips: How To Use Subliminal Advertising

Dr. Jim Anderson looks into the power of subliminal advertising. What he wants to know is can this powerful technique be used when selling products to businesses… Dr. Anderson reveals the 4 keys to how product managers can go about incorporating subliminal advertising messages into their next ad, brochure, or PowerPoint presentation… To get more … Read more

How To Build A Mentor Network For Your Product Management Career

I’ve got a quick question for you: what is the next step in your career? What do you want to get promoted to? In fact, as long as we are talking about that, what comes after THAT promotion? In product management the career ladder generally goes: product manager, director, executive director, VP of marketing, Sr. … Read more

Twitter Tools For Product Managers

Sigh, ok – I guess that it’s time that I finally get around to talking about the Internet fad-du-jour: Twitter. The Internet is all abuzz about just what the heck Twitter is (a micro-blogging service), who should be using it (apparently everyone), and just how product mangers should get the most out of it (a … Read more

Going Green And Niching: How Product Managers Surviving A Downturn

Economic downturns don’t last forever, but boy-oh-boy do they hurt while they are happening! I’m not sure about your products, but my the customer that I’ve been consulting with are all scrambling to find ways to make their products easier for their customers to buy. Would you be interested in some tips on how to … Read more

Pepsi Fumbles A Gatorade Makeover: Lessons For Product Managers

As a result of attending ProductCamp NYC I’ve been asked a lot more questions recently about how Product Mangers can avoid making mistakes with their products. Half of that answer is to make sure that you understand the fundamentals of Product Management. The other half is to learn from the mistakes of others. Like the … Read more

Customer Led New Product Design: Notes From The Field

This post is an invitation for you to come along with me as I work with one of my clients to help them get ready to present their solutions to a customer in the hope of getting them interested enough to start to move forward towards a sale. You’ll recognize a lot of what we’re … Read more