How Can Starbucks Product Managers Stop Things From Slowing Down?

Starbucks is running the risk of stalling

Imagine for a moment that you were a product manager working at Starbucks. The company is growing, everyone likes your product, you would be on top of the world. In fact, Starbucks has opened over 2,000 cafes in the U.S. over the past three years. The result of this rapid growth has been that you … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Look For Another Way To Score

Will soccer be the ticket to getting Amazon access to Europe?

The Amazon product managers have a real problem on their hands. They are in charge of one of the more popular brands in the world and the creation of their Amazon Prime service has only made the company even more popular. However, as we are all aware of, what you did for me yesterday is … Read more

How The Yum Product Managers Are Adapting To A Changing World

Fast food markets change very fast

I can’t actually tell you if it would be one of the best product management jobs to have, but I can tell you that it would certainly be one of the most delicious. What am I talking about? I’m talking about being a product manager who works for YUM Brands. You know, the company that … Read more

Barnes & Noble Product Managers Rediscover Books

The Barnes & Noble product managers realize that they have lost their way

Quick question for you: when was the last time that you were in a Barnes & Noble bookstore? When I tried to answer this question, I had to think about it for awhile. I think that the last time I actually entered one of their stores was around Christmas when I had whittled my list … Read more

Is The Best Product Defense A Cheap Defense?

What should Gillette do about new cheap razors?

Shaving is something that men without beards or mustaches do just about every day. In all honesty, I don’t think that we spend a lot of time thinking about shaving – it’ just something that we do. Over at Gillette, since they make razors, they spend a lot of time thinking about how men shave … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Get Their Customized Email Correct

Product managers need to do a better job of customizing their emails

So let’s talk about email for just a moment. If you are like me, you get a ton of the stuff. In all honesty, most of it is junk and I just end up deleting it even before I read it. However, there are those one or two emails that just happen to catch my … Read more

Could Your Next Chair Come From Amazon?

Could Amazon become the next big furniture seller?

At some point in time we all have the need to get some furniture. When this happens to you, what do you do? Where do you go to get furniture? If you are like a lot of us there is probably some local store that runs a million ads on TV or in the newspaper … Read more

Apple Product Managers Change When They Release New Phones

Let’s talk about the product that you are responsible for. How many different versions of that product are you currently offering? Most of us have a big, medium, small version or perhaps a simple, better, and fancy version. When you create a new version of your product (e.g. version 2.0), what does your product development … Read more

How Product Managers Can Get Kids To Smoke Again

There are many different types of product manager jobs. One of the more, shall we say delicate of these jobs, is that of being a product manager for a major tobacco company. It is your job to get people to consume more of your product – that means smoke more. It turns out that you … Read more