So What’s Wrong With Twitter?

So here’s a question for you: do you “tweet”? By that question, of course, I mean do you use the social networking tool Twitter? During the course of an average day do you micro-blog and send out messages to your “followers” that are no more than 140 characters in length? It turns out that a … Read more

How To Fix A Product Management Mistake: Diet Pepsi

I think that we do need to hand it to the Pepsi product managers – at least on paper they did everything that they really should have done. They conducted countless taste tests and tinkered with their Diet Pepsi product development definition all in a quest to give their customers what they wanted. However, in … Read more

How Can Product Managers Make The World Ready For The Return Of Crystal Pepsi?

Over at Pepsi the product managers are facing a bit of a problem. In the U.S. the amount of cola that is being drunk is currently at a three decade low point. What appears to be happening is that their customers are changing their drinking preferences and are now starting to select bottled water and … Read more

Victoria’s Secret Product Managers Have To Deal With Bralettes

So, as a man I generally have very little interaction with women’s bras on a daily basis. However, if I was a product manager over at Victoria’s Secret, bras would make up a big part of my day. The reason for this is because the sales of bras makes up roughly 35% of their total … Read more

What Would It Be Like To Be A Product Manager At YouTube?

Every product manager dreams of being in charge of a successful product. You can well imagine what a great job it must be to be a product manager who works for YouTube. The online YouTube service has over 1 billion users! However, their biggest challenge right now is that they basically are not making any … Read more

Solving The Challenge Of Making Reordering Products Simple And Easy

So here’s an interesting question for you: when you customer uses up or runs out of your product, how do they go about ordering more from you? Perhaps this question would be better stated “how hard is it to order more of your product?” If you can put yourself in your customer’s shoes for just … Read more

Sprint Product Managers Try To Take On AT&T And Verizon

Being a product manager who works in the highly competitive wireless market has got to be a struggle every day. There are not a lot of players in this market, in the U.S. there really is just AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. However, each of these companies is always looking for ways to steal market … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: Where Did The Soda Go?

Once upon a time, the Keurig company, you know them – they are the ones who make that single sever coffee machine that uses those little plastic pouches, decided that they wanted to expand into new markets. Their product managers looked around and what they discovered is that the rest of us drink a great … Read more

How To Create Newsletters That Kill

In the Twitter and Facebook era in which we are currently living, you might think that sending an email to your existing and potential customers is too old school. However, you’d be wrong. It turns out that email newsletters are one of the fastest growing areas of marketing communication. The reason that emails are such … Read more