When Is A Product Launch Not A Product Launch?

For a product manager there can be no bigger day than the day that your product gets launched. You’ve been working on creating the best product possible based on your product development definition for who knows how long and finally the time has come to show the world what you have created. You wake up … Read more

What Do Product Managers Need To Know About Self-Driving Cars?

The world of automobiles stands on the edge of a brave new world. Due in part to a big push by Google along with a number of universities and other car manufactures, the era of self-driving cars is fast approaching and this is going to dramatically change the product development definition for what a car … Read more

Is Twitter Out Of Control?

Hopefully you are well aware of just who Twitter is. The micro blogging service has over 313 million monthly users (just think about adding that to your product manager resume). If you turn on just about any television program, they are always talking about what is being discussed on their Twitter feed. This is all … Read more

What Does The Internet Of Things Mean To Product Managers?

Just in case you’ve been living with your head under a rock, there is this thing called the “internet of things” that is getting ready to take over the world. What is meant by the internet of things can vary from person to person, but basically what it means is the creation of a world … Read more

How Home Depot Product Managers Are Fighting Back Against Amazon

If you are a product manager working in the field of retail goods, there is one word that should strike fear in your heart: Amazon. Retailers like Macy’s, Nordstrom’s, and Kohl’s have all been reporting decreased sales and the culprit is Amazon. They are all losing customers to the online giant. It turns out that … Read more

What Can Product Managers Learn From Japanese Cigarettes?

No matter how you personally feel about smoking, you have got to admit that the market for cigarettes is huge. You can hardly go into a gas station without being confronted with an entire wall of different brands of cigarettes all of which have just slightly different product development definitions. With so many different types … Read more

What Should Product Managers Do When Their Main Product Fails?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ve probably heard about a company called Theranos. They are a Silicon Valley startup that attracted a lot of attention. They claimed that they had invented a product that with just a minute amount of blood from an individual could run a large … Read more

Product Managers’ Customers Are Now Shopping Online

The times they are a changing. As product managers it is our responsibility to stay on top of trends that are affecting our customers. One very important trend is just exactly how our customers are going about buying things. In the old days, customers would decide that they needed something, get in their car and … Read more