Is Offering Private Label Brands A Good Move For Amazon?

By now we all know Amazon as the gigantic online store that sells just about everything. However, what a lot of us may not realize is that, depending on where you live, Amazon has expanded their product development definition to sell food. Lots of food. The product managers over at Amazon are under pressure to … Read more

Why McDonald’s Is Losing The Burger War And What Their Product Managers Can Do About It

The product managers over at McDonalds have a problem on their hands. Yes, they work for one of the most successful companies in the world. For over 60 years McDonalds has been synonymous with fast food. However, the world is changing and McDonalds is not changing with it. A recent study showed that only one … Read more

Product Managers Look For A Way To Make A Better Burger Without Meat

The majority of consumers identify themselves as being meat lovers. What this means is that they like their burgers to be made with a nice juicy piece of meat. For a variety of reasons, this has created a challenge that a number of different product managers are trying to solve. Can they change the burger … Read more

Is It Time For Amazon’s Product Managers To Go Back To College?

Let’s face it, Amazon is a very big company that has done a lot of things correctly. We all know that we can visit their web site, pick out something that we want and almost magically it’s going to show up at our door in just a few days. All of this success has put … Read more

Email Communication Etiquette for Product Managers

Note: this post was written by Jackie Being able to communicate with coworkers and clients face-to-face is the best way to get your message across, but it is also time consuming. When there is a lot to get done during the day, email communication is often the quickest, easiest and most cost-effective way of getting … Read more

Product Managers Struggle To Get Dashboard Screens Correct

If you’ve had a chance to jump into a new car lately, undoubtedly your attention has been drawn to the dashboard screen that just about every car has nowadays. Car manufactures are changing their product development definition and moving more and more of the car’s control and monitoring systems over to these centralized dashboards in … Read more

How Should Facebook Tell People About News?

So here’s an interesting question for you. If I was to ask you where people spend the most amount of time when they are on the Internet, where would you say that they go? Google? Yahoo? A sports site like ESPN? Those are all good guesses, but you’d be wrong. The correct answer, not all … Read more

Should People Be Able To Purchase Groceries Online?

For most of us, going to the grocery store is a once-a-week or so activity. We make a list of what we think we’ll need, get in the car, do our shopping, come home and then put everything away. However, since we now live in the 21st Century it turns out that there is a … Read more