What Would It Be Like To Be A Product Manager At YouTube?

Every product manager dreams of being in charge of a successful product. You can well imagine what a great job it must be to be a product manager who works for YouTube. The online YouTube service has over 1 billion users! However, their biggest challenge right now is that they basically are not making any … Read more

Lots Of Social Media Choices, But Which Ones Work For Product Managers?

Pitty the poor product manager. There you are, sitting in the middle of the greatest social media revolution to ever happen and now you find yourself with too many choices. After you get done creating your product development definition, should you be spending your time on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, or should you be off in … Read more

Which Forms Of Social Media Should Product Managers Be Involved In?

How many social media ecosystems are out there these days? By my count (if you still include MySpace), there are 9 big ones. As an already overworked product manager working on your product development definition this means that you’ve got an important question that you’re going to have to answer: which ones are you going … Read more

Fire Sale – What Happened To Cisco’s Flip Camera?

Dang it! This was supposed to be a story about a product success, not a product failure. Pure Digital created the low-end highly portable video camera market a few years back and then got bought out for a half a billion U.S. dollars by the networking giant Cisco. Cisco is stuffed with smart, bright product … Read more

Product Managers Learn How To Make YouTube Work For Their Product

Who hasn’t heard of YouTube by now? It’s that Google owned web site where anyone can upload videos that they’ve made to share with the world. Every once in awhile a video will “go viral” and literally millions of people will take time out of their day to visit the YouTube web site and spend … Read more

How To Use Web 2.0 To Be A Better Product Manager

Right off the bat, I need to apologize for using “Web 2.0” in the title. It was a cheap trick to get you to read at least this far, but it sure seems to have worked. With all of that out of the way, hype aside, it sure does look like the Internet is  changing … Read more