Product Managers Learn To Deal With Two-Day Shipping

Amazon introduced two-day shipping. Now everyone is trying to catch up

As product managers, it is our responsibility to use our product development definition to create products that our customers will want. With a little luck, they’ll discover our products, decide to buy them, and then place an order. You might think that a product manager’s job would be over at this point in time. However, … Read more

Product Managers Prepare For Driverless Pizza Delivery Cars

Pizza companies are very interested in driverless cars

Could there be any better job than being a product manager at a pizza company? I mean, you have the ability to fully understand your product (and eat it to!), you know who your competition is, and your customers clearly want and desire your product. What more could a product manager ask for? Oh, perhaps … Read more

Product Managers Get Familiar With Microbrands

Microbrands are changing how new products can be introduced

As product managers, the one thing that I believe that most of us feel that we have a pretty good handle on is how new products are created and introduced. I mean, we’ve worked at companies where this was probably part of our job and so we’ve had to sit through all of the planning … Read more

Dunkin Product Managers Take On Starbucks Product Managers

Dunkin product managers are ready to go to war over coffee

So I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but it turns out that all of the people in the world can be divided into one of two different groups. These groups consist of people who like to get their morning coffee from Dunkin and people who like to get their morning coffee from … Read more

I How I Got Fired From My Product Manager Job

I had to say goodbye to my product manager job because I got fired

So before we dive into my tale of woe, let’s first make sure that we are all on the same page at least in terms of vocabulary. When you lose a job, there are a couple of different ways to have this happen. One is that you get laid off. This generally happens when the … Read more

Can Product Managers Market Furnished Housing Rentals?

A furnished apartment means that residents have fewer household tasks

So where do you live today? The answer for a lot of us is in an apartment. Now let’s go back and think about what it took to get you into that apartment. First, of course, you had to find the apartment. Then you had to find a way to get the stuff that you … Read more

How Do Bookseller Product Managers Market Food Products?

Amazon Product Managers are starting to sell food products

We should all have such problems. The product managers over at that very, very successful company called Amazon are now facing a new challenge. A while back Amazon paid US$13.5B to purchase the high-end grocery store chain called Whole Foods. The Amazon product managers are now under the gun to change their product development definition … Read more

Product Managers Deal With The Microsoft Office Problem

Microsoft Office Changes Very Slowly

How about a quick show of hands: who uses Microsoft Office every day? Hmm, I believe that I see just about everyone’s hands in the air. Let’s face it, outside of the Microsoft Windows operating system, Microsoft Office is just about the most popular piece of software out there. Sure, there are some competitors such … Read more

Product Managers Try To Determine If Smaller Is Really Better

Target is trying smaller stores in order to attract more millennials

Just imagine if you were a product manager for Target stores. You would be responsible for the success of a brand that has over 1,800 stores sprinkled throughout suburban areas everywhere. However, you would have recently bumped into some problems. Sales at your stores have just taken a dip for the first time in a … Read more

Can GE’s Product Managers Find A Way To Get A Charge Out Of Batteries?

The GE product managers are going to have to catch up with their rivals

We all know the company General Electric – at one point in time, they seemed to make just about everything that you could buy that could be plugged in. These days GE is playing a game of catch up with other companies. GE wants to be a player in the growing business of large-scale electricity … Read more