Grocery Product Managers Turn To Robots To Speed Things Up
Product managers at grocery stores are starting to turn to robots to complete online orders in order to reduce costs and provide accurate inventory information
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Product managers at grocery stores are starting to turn to robots to complete online orders in order to reduce costs and provide accurate inventory information
Grocery product managers have taken over deciding where products should go on their shelves instead of being told what to do by major food manufactures
One of the fasting growing areas in retail right now has to do with the home delivery of food. Just about everywhere that you go to eat, you probably see stickers plastered on the window saying that if you wanted to stay home and eat this location’s food, you could do it by calling one … Read more
Grocery product managers were making changes to deal with online ordering when the pandemic came along and forced them to accelerate their plans
Everyone has to go out and buy groceries, right? Well, it turns out that at one time that would have been a correct statement; however, these days things have changed and now customers have many choices on how they can get the groceries that they need. This change has hit grocery store product managers very … Read more
We should all have such problems. The product managers over at that very, very successful company called Amazon are now facing a new challenge. A while back Amazon paid US$13.5B to purchase the high-end grocery store chain called Whole Foods. The Amazon product managers are now under the gun to change their product development definition … Read more
Hopefully by now we are all aware that Amazon has purchased Whole Foods and has gotten into the grocery business in a big way. However, what a lot of product managers may not be aware of is that Amazon’s grocery dreams don’t stop with Whole Foods. Instead, they have their own plans about changing their … Read more
I’m pretty sure that we’ve all felt this way at some point in time. We come home from work, we’re exhausted and then all of sudden we realize that we have nothing planned for dinner. If you are like me, this is the evening that you end up calling out for pizza or grabbing something … Read more