What Is Chick-fill-A’s Product Managers Secret To Success?

Chick-Fill-A product managers are riding the wave of breaded chicken demand

When lunch or dinner rolls around and you are hungry, what do you want to eat? If you are like most of us, you start looking for a fast food restaurant where you can go get a good meal and get in and get out. A number of possibilities come to mind: McDonalds, Burger King, … Read more

The Challenge Of Being A Grocery Store Product Manager

Product managers need to find ways to attract customers who avoid stores

Everyone has to go out and buy groceries, right? Well, it turns out that at one time that would have been a correct statement; however, these days things have changed and now customers have many choices on how they can get the groceries that they need. This change has hit grocery store product managers very … Read more

Dunkin Product Managers Take On Starbucks Product Managers

Dunkin product managers are ready to go to war over coffee

So I’m not sure if you are aware of it, but it turns out that all of the people in the world can be divided into one of two different groups. These groups consist of people who like to get their morning coffee from Dunkin and people who like to get their morning coffee from … Read more

Product Managers Race To Provide One-Day Delivery

Customers will buy from the company that can deliver their package the next day

As product managers, we all spend our time trying to better understand what our customers really want. This can be a tricky thing to do. We need to understand what motivates our customers in order to better understand how we can provide them with the products that they will be willing to buy. Product managers … Read more

Wendy’s Product Managers Take On Breakfast

Wendy's wants to bring in more customers in the morning

So here’s a quick question for you: what’s the most important meal of the day? If you said breakfast, then the product managers at Wendy’s would agree with you. Wendy’s has decided to once again make an attempt to expand their product development definition and start to offer breakfast items in an effort to attract … Read more

How Can Car Rental Product Managers Deal With Upstarts?

Established car rental firms are trying to overcome upstarts

When you travel and you need transportation at the other end of your trip, what do you do? If you are like most of us, when you are buying your airplane ticket and making your hotel reservation you go ahead and call up an established rental car company and make a reservation. When you fly … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Have Grocery Store Dreams

Amazon product managers are increasing their offline presence using grocery stores

The product managers at Amazon have a big problem on their hands. The company, which is already huge, wants to keep on growing. What this means for the product managers is that they always have to be looking for new businesses that Amazon can expand into. They think that they may have come up with … Read more

How Indian Product Managers Do Battle With Retail Goliaths

In India, mom-and-pop stores are slaying the big chains

Retail giants Amazon and Walmart really, really want to start selling a great deal in India. In fact, they are willing to spend billions to set up shop there. However, their success is not guaranteed. It turns out that they are going to be battling the countless number of mom-and-pop stores that are already there … Read more

Amazon Takes On Walmart: Who’s Product Managers Will Win?

Amazon product managers are going after Walmart shoppers

I suspect that if I asked you to take a moment and feel sorry for the product managers who work for Amazon, you probably would not. For that matter, if I asked you to take a moment and feel bad for the product managers who work for Amazon, you probably would also find that hard … Read more

Amazon Product Managers Decide To Do Battle With UPS

Amazon product managers say "Bring It On"

As I’m sure that we all know by now, Amazon is a very large company that does a lot of different things: they ship books and products, offer cloud computing resources, and even run an internet based television channel. The product managers at Amazon are under an enormous amount of pressure to always be looking … Read more