Product Managers Deal With The Problem Of Too Much Sand

It turns out that there's too much sand for fracking

Being a product manager in a growth industry is one of the best jobs that any of us can have. Everyday things seem to be rushing forward faster and faster, it’s all that we can do to keep up. This is exactly how life must be for product managers who are involved in the fracking … Read more

What’s The Secret To Being A Successful Meal Kit Product Manager?

Meal kit product managers need to find new ways to be successful

The world that we live in is changing and what this means for product managers is that we need to find ways to change with it. One area that is undergoing dramatic changes is how we go about fixing dinner. It used to be that you and I would either eat out or we’d go … Read more

How Independent Book Store Product Managers Survive In The Age Of Amazon

Bookstores can not only survive, but they can thrive in the age of Amazon

If there is one job that most product managers would not want to have these days, it would to be a product manager for an independent book store. I mean really, Amazon showed up several decades ago and pretty much put these guys out of business. Customers have become used to browsing for books on … Read more

Product Managers Are Bringing Robots To McDonalds

Soon you'll be waited on by robots at McDonalds

Pity the poor product managers at McDonalds! They work for one of the most successful fast food restaurants on the planet and so they are charged with finding ways to make their business grow bigger and grow faster all the time. McDonalds is already a fairly smooth flowing operation that has years of experience in … Read more

How Can LaCroix Product Managers Keep Their Product’s Fizz?

The LaCroix product managers have to deal with new rivals

When you are thirsty, what kind of drink do you reach for? A lot of us will grab a soda, a water, or maybe even a coffee or a tea. However, just a few years ago a new option showed up: favored bubbly water. The leader in this market category was a brand called LaCroix. … Read more

Amazon’s Product Managers Take On Health Data With Alexa

Do customers want to trust Alexa with their health data?

The product managers at Amazon have a bit of a problem on their hands right now. They have a popular voice activated device called Alexa that can play music, look up things on the web, add things to a shopping list and a lot of other things all using voice commands – no typing, no … Read more

Can Amazon’s Product Managers Deliver The Goods?

Amazon is preparing to do battle with UPS and FedEx

As just about everyone knows, you can order anything from Amazon. However, where a lot of us get a bit confused is just exactly how what we order actually gets to our doorstep. Yeah, yeah – for many of us Prime members we know that it will arrive in two days (or less), but just … Read more

Ticketmaster Product Managers Prepare For New Competition

Ticketmaster now has some competition for selling tickets

So if you want to go to a concert, a monster truck show, or a circus, who do you buy your tickets from? If you are like most of us you would go online, go to a website run by Ticketmaster, and purchase your tickets. This is the way that we’ve always done it. Now … Read more

Product Managers Deal With New Wrinkles In Marketing Skin Care Products

Botox product managers now have to face new rivals

Good news for product managers – nobody likes to get old! In fact, nobody really likes to look like they are getting old. What this means for product managers is that there is a huge market for products that will allow us to avoid looking like we are getting older. One of the most successful … Read more