Amazon Product Managers Prepare For War With Walmart Product Managers

Amazon is getting into a next-day delivery war with Walmart

Amazon is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of online selling. Walmart is a large and powerful company that dominates the world of bricks & mortar selling. These two firms are starting to come into conflict when it comes to next-day home delivery as Walmart starts to move into online sales and … Read more

Grocery Store Product Managers Get Ready For The Future

Grocery stores are going to have to change to keep up with customer's needs

Product managers for grocery stores have actually had it pretty easy for quite some time. If you think about it, your local grocery store probably has not changed all that much since you were a little kid. Oh sure, now they have organic vegetables and perhaps they create prepared meals, but their product development definition … Read more

How Can A German Grocer Be Successful In The U.S.?

Does the U.S. really need another grocery store?

When it’s time for you to go to the store and get some food, where do you go? Do you always go to the same place? If you are like most of us, you have relatively set patterns: you go to the same store, you walk the same aisles, and you check out at the … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: Why Do Malls Fail?

Just about every town that we live in has a mall. The mall has a collection of stores that if we need a specific thing, we know that we can visit the mall to get. There are generally food courts and movie theaters there also that cause us to visit the mall. Malls just seem … Read more

What Can Top Food Brand Product Managers Do To Get More Shelf Space?

There are few product manager jobs that come with as much brand name recognition as those jobs that are associated with the top food brands. We’re talking about being a product manager for a really big company like Kraft Heinz, Kellog, and Mondelez. However, in order to be a successful big food product manager you … Read more

Product Managers Learn How To Deal With A Close Shave

All right, how about a quick show of hands out there. Who has spent any time today thinking about the razer that they use to shave with? I’m suspecting that I’m not seeing very many hands up. Razors are one of those things that just always seem to be there when we need them. When … Read more

Fashion Teaches Product Managers About Speed To Market

If you had to, how quickly could you get a new product to market? One month, two months, 6 months, a year? For most product managers, we get our next product to market when we choose to get it there – our customers really don’t have too much say in the matter. However, over the … Read more

Does Anyone Really Want To Shop For Food At Amazon?

Let’s face it, Amazon is a very large company. Once you get to be that big, you’ve got a significant problem on your hands. Your investors expect you to keep growing, but you are already so large that it can be difficult to do. The product managers over at Amazon think that they’ve come up … Read more

Should People Be Able To Purchase Groceries Online?

For most of us, going to the grocery store is a once-a-week or so activity. We make a list of what we think we’ll need, get in the car, do our shopping, come home and then put everything away. However, since we now live in the 21st Century it turns out that there is a … Read more