Tough Times Call For You To Fire Your Customers

Well, not all of them of course, but at least the ones that you really don’t want to have. As product mangers we all like to brag both internally and externally about how many customers are using our products. However, the dirty little secret that we don’t share is that all customers are not created … Read more

How To Market Your Product In 2010

2009 is dead, long live 2009. Ok, so it’s not quite dead yet; however, even as your sales teams are running around trying to close the year out on a high note you as a product manager need to start to set your sights on what you’re going to do to get ready for next … Read more

Too Much Choice Is Bad: Customers Don’t Want To Do Your Job For You

Shopping for groceries is a pain. Being forced to do a grocery store’s job for them is a bigger pain. The U.K. supermarket chain Asda (owned and operated by Wal-Mart) is #2 in their market and they want to be #1. Their product managers have come up with a truly horrible plan to get there. … Read more

Product Manager Would You Sleep With Your Customer If They Offered You $1M Order?

Would you sleep with your customer if they offered you a million dollars to do it? That was the question that was asked in the blockbuster movie “Indecent Proposal” with Robert Redford, Demi Moore, and Woody Harrelson. Sure Demi Moore wasn’t a product manager, but the situation was similar to the one that we often … Read more

Your Customers Are Idiots & You Need To Tell Them What To Do

It’s expensive to create, market, deliver, and support a product. Having customers who make your life more difficult and the whole process more expensive does not help matters. Since we’re bright, smart product managers it sure seems as though when we spot an opportunity to change something about our product that will benefit everyone we … Read more

Customer Led New Product Design: Notes From The Field

This post is an invitation for you to come along with me as I work with one of my clients to help them get ready to present their solutions to a customer in the hope of getting them interested enough to start to move forward towards a sale. You’ll recognize a lot of what we’re … Read more

Why Chatty Product Managers Do Well On The Web 2.0

Boy, oh boy do I have a story for you today. I’ve been working with one of my customers who has decided that they need to improve how they communicate with their customers. Having read all of the industry rags, they’ve decided that they need to set up a social networking site for their company … Read more

How To Survive The Product Manager Bermuda Triangle

I can remember being something like 9 or 10 years old when I first learned about the Bermuda Triangle. I’m not sure where I first got my facts, but I’m willing to bet good money that it was that classic TV show with Leonard Nimoy called “In Search Of…” I didn’t sleep for something like … Read more

Are Angry Customers A Product Manger’s Best Friend?

In the world of a product manager, we spend our time worrying about defining, creating, and selling a product. All too often we view our job as being done once a customer has purchased our product – the next time we deal with them will be to get new requirements or to have them buy … Read more

Product Manger Are You A “Data Dummy” Or A “Knowledge Master”?

Data, data, who’s got the data? Thanks to our luck of being product managers in the 21st Century we are privileged to have access to quantities of data about our product and our customers that product managers of old could only dream about. However, is this really a good thing? Dr. Peter Fader is a … Read more