Product Managers Realize That They Are Really Selling To Grandparents

Who is the customer for your product? Maybe a better question is how old is your target customer? It turns out that they may be much older than any of us have realized – America’s grandparents are becoming the dominate consumer force (and this relates to business to business transactions also). Is your product ready? … Read more

What A High-End NYC Salon Can Teach Product Managers

Just imagine the perfect world for a product manager: you have you choice of high end customers, they really don’t care just how expensive your product is – they feel that they must have it at any price, and your sales are virtually global recession-proof. Sound impossible? Well it’s not for one high-end New York … Read more

Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Their Crazy Customers

Just who are you hoping that will buy your product? Sane, rational people who you’d be more than willing to invite over to your place for dinner? Or perhapsstark raving mad folkswhom you’d probably cross to the other side of the street were you to encounter them in public? I’m guessing that you’d probably pick … Read more

Niche Marketing Requires Product Managers To Personalize Everything

As product managers we spend a lot of time creating ways to tell customers all about our fantastic product. Too bad that often the brochures, white papers, direct mail, and case studies often fall on deaf ears. It turns out that we’re actually doing a couple of things wrong: we’re not listening to our customers … Read more

What Product Managers Need To Know About Customer Loyalty

Imagine for a moment that you were inthe business of building walls. Every day you’d get up go build part of a wall and then go home. What if every day when you returned, all of the work that you had done the previous day had been undone? How would you ever get that wall … Read more

Can Product Managers Know Too Much About Their Customers?

It’s sorta the Holy Grail of product management – to become so intimate with our customers that we can almost read their minds. Now while that may sound like a great idea, have any of us taken the time to consider what our customers might be thinking about us doing this? Information Blending: Good Thing … Read more

Forget Dating Customers, 5 Ways Product Managers Can Get Real Relationships

Why are you doing things the hard way? How do you measure success for your product? For most product managers this comes down to one number: the number of customers that their product has. However, in today’s tough economy, this type of thinking might just be a bit shortsighted. Instead of thinking of all of … Read more

How To Tell Your Customer To Stop Using Your Product

AT&T’s iPhone Problem Who among us product managers has not heard about Apple’s iPhone product and its incredible retail success? Currently in the U.S. there is only one wireless service provider on who’s network these highly desirable phones work: AT&T’s. You’d think that that was a good thing from an AT&T product manager’s point of … Read more

A New Way To Listen To What Your Customers Are Saying About You

A New Way To Create Ads For Your Products Welcome to the world of the 21st Century – there seems to be a new competitor who is trying to win the attention of your customers every day. What’s a product manager to do? The answer lies in getting the message about why your product is … Read more