What Product Managers Can Learn From Apple About How To Handle Cooling Products

Hot products is what all of us product managers really want. We want the product that we are responsible for to be the one that is flying off of the shelves. Although this may be a great fantasy for most of us, some of us do find ourselves in this situation. However, nothing lasts forever. … Read more

What Can Product Managers Learn From Dating Apps?

I can only speak for myself, but during the course of my career I have been the product manager for a number of very boring applications. You know, business-to-business stuff. Back in the day as I worked on my product development definition, how I dreamed of being responsible for a product that had millions of … Read more

Can TV Product Managers Win The Fight Against The Internet?

So it turns out that the world of television is ruled by advertising. The more ads that you can sell, the more money you make and the more television programs you can both make and broadcast. Back in the day, television product managers ruled the world. Nobody else could compete with the number of potential … Read more

Do Bitcoin Miners Need Product Managers?

Have you hear about bitcoins? It’s the craziest thing – people are in the process writing their own product development definition and inventing a brand new currency! This currency has no ties to any government or country. The whole thing “lives” in the minds of the computers who together make up the Internet. The math … Read more

What Should The Box Product Managers Do Now?

So when you think about what kind of product manager job you’d really like to have, what comes to mind? If you are like most of us, you’d like to be working at one of those fast moving Silicon Valley startups that seem to be in the newspaper all of the time. You’d be making … Read more

Product Managers Want To Know: Can A Product Be Too Popular?

As product managers we all dream of the day that our customers become truly excited about our product and its product development definition. We’d love it if our product’s logo was highly coveted by our customers and was almost seen as a sort of status symbol. The more customers who felt this way, the bigger … Read more

Just Exactly How Much Intellectual Property Protection Does A Product Manager Need?

What makes your product special? I mean if I put your product on a table (assuming that it would fit there) and put your biggest competitor right next to it, without looking at your product development definition could you tell me what makes your product better? I’m willing to bet that the answer to this … Read more

How Do You Save A Dying Brand? The Blackberry Story

The best product management job to have roughly 5 years ago would have been to work at Blackberry – the maker of the most popular mobile phones. Back in the day, no matter where you went, you would always see people typing on those little Blackberry keyboards or using their little Blackberry trackballs. However, a … Read more

McDonald’s Product Managers Have A Breakfast Problem On Their Hands

Let’s face it, McDonald’s won the battle for breakfast a long time ago. For McDonald’s, breakfast is a big part of where they make their money: 25% of their sales come from breakfast. However, what seemed to be a done deal is starting to look anything like that now. Over at Taco Bell, a new … Read more